Laboratory for studies of behavioral economics
Head of the laboratory Yarasheva Aziza Viktorovna, Dr.Sc. (Econ,), Professor
Main research areas:
Saving behavior
- motives and goals of population saving activity;
- forms and types of savings;
- changes in saving rate;
- transformation of the saving strategies of Russians (in different socio-demographic groups);
- conditionality of choosing the type of banking services under the conditions of digitalization;
- economic expectations of the population regarding the favorability of savings formation.
Investment behavior
- goals and forms of the investment behavior of population;
- reasons for the choice of investment instruments;
- problem of converting the population savings into investments in the real sector of the economy.
Consumer behavior
- factors affecting decision-making (economic, social, psychological);
- dynamics of changes in the structure of consumer spending;
- monitoring the share of food products in the consumer basket of Russians;
- economic expectations of the population regarding improvement of the financial well-being and making big purchases.
Credit behavior
- changes in the credit strategies of population;
- development of mortgage lending;
- level of the household debt load.
Insurance behavior
- types and forms of insurance used by population;
- development of the insurance services market in the country and its regions.
Financial awareness and financial culture of population
- changes in the level of financial awareness of population (regions/towns);
- studying specifics of the financial culture of different age groups (attitudes, values, motives);
- impact of institutional, socio-demographic, psychological, economic factors on the formation of the financial culture of Russians;
- motives for household budget planning;
- reasons for trust/ distrust of population in the banking system.
Labor behavior
- motives and strategies for labor behavior as an integral part of the economic behavior of population;
- labor potential of population (by regions and social groups);
- impact of the economy digitalization on the formation of labor resources;
- social challenges (including emergence of the new types of employment) that affect the efficiency of using all resources of the society).
Research fellows of the laboratory:
Alexandrova Olga Arkadievna, Dr.Sc. (Econ.), chief researcher
Medvedeva Elena Ilyinichna. Dr.Sc. (Econ.), associate professor, leading researcher
Alikperova Natalia Valerievna, Cand. Sc. (Econ.), leading researcher
Burdastova Yulia Vladimirovna, Cand. Sc. (Econ.), senior researcher
Kroshilin Sergey Viktorovich, Cand.Sc. (Techn.), senior researcher
Nenakhova Yulia Sergeevna, researcher
Vinogradova Kristina Valerievna, junior researcher
Lokosov Evgeny Vyacheslavovich, senior laboratory assistant