№ 2 (76) – 2017 (April – June)
In memory of Natalia Mikhailovna Rimashevskaya, RAS Corresponding Member,
Editor in Chief of the journal Population………………………………………………………………….
Natalia Rimashevskaya’s Socio-demographic School in the Vologda region:
origins and development…………………………………………………………………………………….
Interview with RAS Corresponding Member, Professor Natalia Mikhailovna Rimashevskaya (abridged version for the journal Population) ………………………………………………………………..
Rimashevskaya N.M., Malysheva M.M., Pisklakova-Parker M.P. Balancing fathers: matching professional and family roles as a cornerstone of society’s sustainability………………………………..
Rimashevskaya N.M., Dobrokhleb V.G. Lifelong learning as the basis for sustainable
development of the country…………………………………………………………………………………….
Rybakovsky L.L. Factors and causes of migration, mechanism of their relationship………………….
Fedotov A.A. Quality of life and human potential – the nature and the differences between
the concepts……………………………………………………………………………………………………..
Zharomsky V.S. Estimation of the consistency of answers in population surveys on
poverty issues……………………………………………………………………………………………………
Kolmakov I.B. Methods of measuring inequality in population incomes…………………………………
Toksanbaeva M.S., Antonov M.V. Employment in the Moscow small businesses of
different status…………………………………………………………………………………………………...
Rusanov A.V. Suburbanization and housing construction in Moscow oblast…………………………...
Govorova N.V. Russian Arctic: socio-demographic profile………………………………………………..
Vershinskaya O.N., Skvortsova E.E. Internet life of people aged 50+ …………………………………
Zherebin V.M., Ermakova N.A., Makhrova O.N. Socio-psychological aspects of the virtual life organization……………………………………………………………………………………………………...
Theses defenses……………………………………………………………………………………………….
Conference Five Years of Social Reform: Results………………………………………………………
Round table Formation of Human Potential of the New Industrial Economy: Contribution of
Social Policy within the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum-2017……………………..
Summary in Russian……………………………………………………………………………………………
Summary in Еnglish…………………………………………………………………………………………….
Natalia M. Rimashevskaya , Marina M. Malysheva, Marina P. Pisklakova-Parker
Balancing fathers: matching professional and family roles as a cornerstone of society’s sustainability
Key words: balance of professional and family roles, new fatherhood models, employers’ policy towards employees, changing gender roles.
Abstract. The article deals with the issue of distribution of professional and family duties in connection with the change of gender roles in the society and emergence of the “new fathers” phenomenon. The authors are of the opinion that economic development is valuable not by itself, but depending on how it meets the needs of different families with the account of their cultural and social priorities. They substantiate the idea that business should be organized so that employees with family obligations could normally perform their parental functions without experiencing infringement of their parental rights otherwise there arises a threat to the stability of family and society. This issue was taken as the primary one for the project, the results of which are presented in this article.
- Doherty W., Kouneski E.F., Erickson M.F. Responsible fathering: an overview and conceptual framework. Journal of Marriage and Family. 1998. No. 2 (Vol. 60). P. 277-292.
- Wall G., Arnold S. How involved is involved fathering? An exploration of the contemporary culture of fatherhood. Gender and Society. 2007. Vol. 21. No. 4. P. 509-510.
- Dempsey D., Hewitt B. (eds). Fatherhood in the early 21st century. Journal of Family Studies. 2005. No. 18. P. 2-3.
- Mott F.L. Absent Fathers and Child Development. Emotional and Cognitive Effects at Ages Five to Nine. Ohio State University. 1993. P. 4-5.
- Rohner, Ronald P. The parental "acceptance-rejection syndrome": Universal correlates of perceived rejection. American Psychologist. 2004. Vol. 59(8), Nov. P. 830-840.
- Eydal G.B., Rostgaard T. Gender equality revisited — changes in Nordic childcare policies in the 2000s. Social Policy and Administration. 2011. No. 45(2). P 161-179.
- Dermott E., Miller T. More than sum of its parts? Contemporary Fatherhood policy, practice and discourse // Family, Relationships and Societies. 2015. Vol. 4. Nо 2, July. Р. 183-195.
- Brien O., Moss M., Koslowski P., Daly A. Country reports: United Kingdom. P. Moss (ed.). International Network on Leave Policies and Research. Department for Business, Innovation and Skills. London. 2015.
- Rimashevskaya N.M. Radikal'nyye izmeneniya negativnykh trendov zdorov'ya v Rossii [Radical change of the negative trend in the Russian population health]. Narodonaseleniye [Population]. 2010. No. 1. P. 4-10.
- Velichkovsky B.T. Zhiznesposobnost' natsii [Viability of the Nation]. Moscow. 2012.
- Khitruk E.B. Filosofskiye osnovaniya formirovaniya fenomena «Otsutstvuyushchego ottsa» v sovremennoy kul'ture [Philosophical foundations for formation of the phenomenon of “absent father” in modern culture]. Vestnik Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta [Bulletin of the Tomsk State University]. 2013. No. 368. P. 54-59.
- Chernova Zh.V. Semeynaya politika v zapadnoyevropeyskikh stranakh: modeli ottsovstva [Family policy in West European countries: models of fatherhood]. Zhurnal sotsiologii i sotsial'noy antropologii [Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology]. 2012. Vol. 15. No.1. P. 103-122.
- Lipasova A. Svoboda, ravenstvo i ottsovstvo. Opyt skandinavskikh stran [Freedom, Equality and Fatherhood. Experience of the Scandinavian Countries]. Ed. by Eydal G. B. and Rostgaard T. Bristol. Policy Press. 2015. 409 p.
- Gurko T.А. Raznoobraziye kontseptsiy ottsovstva [Diversity of the fatherhood concepts]. Sotsiologicheskiye issledovaniya [Sociological Studies.] 2000. No. 11.
- Kon I.S. Muzhchina v izmenyayushchemsya mire[Man in the Changing World]. Institut etnologii i antropologii RAN [Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology RAS]. Moscow. 2009.
- Bezrukova O.N. Gotovnost' k ottsovstvu: faktory, usloviya i vozmozhnosti [Readiness for fatherhood: factors, conditions and possibilities]. Vestnik Sankt-Peterburgskogo universiteta [Bulletin of the Sankt-Petersburg University]. 2007. Series 6. Vol. 2. Part 1. P. 98-109.
- Avdeeva N.N. Psikhologiya ottsovstva [Psychology of fatherhood]. Available at: http://www.portal-slovo.ru/pre_school_education/36613.php
- Bergman H., Hobson В. Compulsory fatherhood: the coding of fatherhood in the Swedish welfare state. Making Men into Fathers. Cambridge. Cambridge University Press. 2002. Р. 92-125.
- Brandth B., Kvande E. Gendered or gender-neutral care politics for fathers. The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science. 2009. Vol. VI (3-4). P. 177-189.
Natalia M. Rimashevskaya , Valentina G. Dobrokhleb
Lifelong learning as the basis for sustainable development of the country
Key words: qualitative characteristics of population, Sustainable Development Goals, demographic structure of population, lifelong learning.
Abstract. Competitiveness of a country is connected with the necessity to take into account the global trends and challenges, to be responsive to the requests of society an economy, to new technologies, scientific knowledge, educational expertise. This article focuses on one of the main components of human development — education. Sociological surveys conducted by the Institute of Socio-Economic Studies of Population RAS show that people are motivated to continue their education throughout life. 74% of the respondents believe that education should be “lifelong”. About two thirds of the respondents hold that the level of education (training) of the older generation is higher than that of young people. The causes of this situation are associated with lack of student internship and practice in innovative companies, imperfect system of selecting students, lack of practical experience of teachers. Under these conditions, only 30% are actively engaged in self-education, and in the past two years only 46% participated in any activities related to professional development. The authors conclude that the socio-economic changes aimed at formation of an innovative economy are inextricably linked with transition to the system of lifelong learning for the purpose of developing human potential that is the basis of advanced development.
- Rimashevskaya N.M. Chelovek i reformy: sekrety vyzhivaniya [Person and Reforms: The Secrets of Survival]. Moscow. ISEPN [Institute of Socio-Economic Studies of Population]. 2003. 392 p.
- Doklad o chelovecheskom razvitii 2016g. «Chelovecheskoye razvitiye dlya vsekh i kazhdogo» [Human Development Report 2016. Human Development for Everyone]. Available at: http://hdr.undp.org/sites/default/files/HDR2016_RU_Overview_Web.pdf. (Accessed: 19 March 2017).
- Ananyev B.G. O problemakh sovremennogo chelovekoznaniya [On the Issues of Modern Human Studies]. Sankt-Petersburg. Piter. 2001. 272 p.
- Vsemirnyy doklad po monitoringu obrazovaniya za 2016 g. Postroyeniye ustoychivogo budushchego dlya vsekh. Obrazovaniye v interesakh lyudey i planety [Global Education Monitoring Report 2016. Education for People and Planet: Creating Sustainable Futures for All]. Available at: http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0024/002457/245745R.pdf (Accessed: 28 April 2017)
- World Bank: World Development Indicators 2014 [The World Bank: World Development Indicators 2014] Available at: http://gtmarket.ru/ratings/expenditure-on-education/info (Accessed: 28 April 2017.)
- Klyachko T.L. Posledstviya i riski reform v rossiyskom vysshem obrazovanii. Nauchnyy doklad [Effects and Risks of the Reforms in the Russian Higher Education. Scientific report]. Moscow. RANKhiGS [RANEPA]. Delo. 2017. 52 p.
- Itogi vyborochnogo federal'nogo statisticheskogo nablyudeniya uchastiya naseleniya v nepreryvnom obrazovanii v 2015 godu [Outcomes of the Federal statistical sample survey of the population participation in lifelong learning in 2015]. Available at: http://www.gks.ru/free_doc/new_site/inspection/itog_inspect1.htm (Accessed: 4 May 2017)
- Rimashevskaya N.M., Dobrokhleb V.G., Medvedeva E.I. Nepreryvnoye obrazovaniye v Rossii [Lifelong learning in Russia]. Narodonaseleniye [Population]. 2015. №4. P. 108-116.
- Demograficheskiy yezhegodnik Rossii — 2015 [The Demographic Yearbook of Russia 2015]. Available at: http://www.gks.ru/bgd/regl/B15_16/Main.htm (Accessed: 4 May 2017).
- Berdyaev N.A. Samopoznaniye. Russkaya ideya [Self-Knowledge. The Russian Idea]. Moscow. 2011. 604 p.
- Dobrokhleb V.G. Nepreryvnoe obrazovanie v uslovijah demograficheskih izmenenij [Lifelong learning under the conditions of demographic changes]. Nauchnoe obozrenie.Serija 1. Jekonomika i pravo [Scientific Review. Series 1. Economics and Law]. 2015. № 4. Р. 26-31.
- Dobrokhleb V.G. Obuchajushhijsja vzroslyj v sfere nepreryvnogo obrazovanija v Rossii [Adult learner in the field of lifelong education in Russia]. Nauchnoe obozrenie. Serija 2. Gumanitarnye nauki [Scientific Review. Series 2. Human sciences]. 2016. № 5. Р. 11-16.
- Dobrokhleb V.G. Nepreryvnoe obrazovanie kak napravlenie uluchshenija kachestvennyh harakteristik pozhilyh grazhdan Rossii [Continuous education as direction improve quality characteristics elderly citizens of Russia] Nauchnoe obozrenie. Serija 2. Gumanitarnye nauki [Scientific Review. Series 2. Human sciences]. 2017. № 2. Р. 14-23.
Leonid L. Rybakovsky
Factors and causes of migration, mechanism of their relationship
Key words: conditions, factors, structures, causes, subjective factors, behavior, basic need, determination.
Abstract. The article analyses different approaches to definition of such concepts as factor and cause, gives different points of view on the relationship of these determinants of migration, considers the methodological differences in the interpretation of these concepts in natural and social sciences, the significant differences between the conditions-factors and structural factors, the dual nature of the latter, as well as the mechanisms of relationships between the conditions-factor — phenomenon and the cause-factor — behavior.
- Demograficheskiy entsiklopedicheskiy slovar' [Demographic Encyclopedic Dictionary]. Ed. D.I. Valentey. Moscow. Soviet Encyclopedia. 1985. 608 р.
- Narodonaseleniye. Entsiklopedicheskiy slovar' [Population. Encyclopedic Dictionary]. Ed. G.G. Melekyan. Moscow. Great Russian Encyclopedia. 1994. 640 р.
- Rybakovsky L.L. Ponyatiye, sushchnost' i spetsifika faktorov demograficheskikh protsessov [The concept, essence and specifics of the factors of demographic processes]. Voprosy vosproizvodstva naseleniya i demograficheskoy politiki [The Issues of Population Reproduction and Demographic Policy]. ISI AN SSSR [Institute of Sociology, USSR Academy of Sciences]. Moscow. 1982. P. 45-49.
- Rybakovsky L.L. Struktura i faktory mezhrayonnykh migratsionnykh protsessov [Structure and factors of interregional migration processes]. SOTSIS [Sociological Studies]. 1976. №1. P. 24-31.
- Voprosy narodonaseleniya i demograficheskoy politiki [The Issues of Population and Demographic Policy]. Moscow. Statistika [Statistics]. 1966. 400 p.
- Migratsiya sel'skogo naseleniya [Migration of Rural Population]. Moscow. Mysl' [Thought]. 1970. 348 p.
- Perevedentsev V.I. Sovremennaya migratsiya naseleniya Zapadnoy Sibiri [Current Migration of the Population of West Siberia]. Novosibirsk. Zapadno-Sibirskoye knizhnoye izdatel'stvo [West Siberian Printing House]. 1965. 96 р.
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- Topilin A.V. Territorial'noye pereraspredeleniye trudovykh resursov v SSSR [Territorial Redistribution of Labour Resources in the USSR]. Moscow. Ekonomika [Economics]. 1975. 159 р.
- Ivakhnyuk I.V. Mezhdunarodnaya trudovaya migratsiya. Uch. Posobiye [International Labor Migration. Textbook]. Moscow. Teis. 2005. 286 р.
- Statistika migratsii naseleniya [Statistics of Population Migration]. Ed A.G. Volkov. Moscow. Statistika [Statistics]. 1973. 366 р.
- Migratsiya naseleniya: teoriya i politika. Uchebnoye posobiye [Migration of Population: Theory and Policy. Textbook]. Eds. O.D. Vorobyeva and A.V. Topilin. Moscow. Ekonomicheskoye obrazovaniye [Economic Education]. 2012. 364 р.
- Leontyev A.N. Potrebnosti, motivy i emotsii [Needs, Motives and Emotions]. Moscow. Izdatel'stvo MGU [Publishing House of the Moscow State University]. 1971.147 р.
- Tsapenko I.P. Upravleniye migratsiyey: opyt razvitykh stran [Migration Management: Experience of Developed Countries]. Moscow. Izdatel'stvo «Academia» [Science]. 2009. 384 р.
- Krasinets E.S. Mezhdunarodnaya migratsiya naseleniya v Rossii v usloviyakh perekhoda k rynku [International Migration in Russia under the transition to market conditions]. Moscow. Nauka [Science]. 1997. 191 р.
- Korel L.V. Peremeshcheniye naseleniya mezhdu gorodom i selom v usloviyakh urbanizatsii [Population Movements between Urban and Rural Areas under the Conditions of Urbanization]. Novosibirsk. Nauka [Science]. 1982. 182 р.
- Shabanova M.A. Sezonnaya i postoyannaya migratsiya naseleniya v sel'skom rayone: kompleksnoye sotsiologo-statisticheskoye issledovaniye [Seasonal and Permanent Migration of Population in a Rural Area: Complex Sociological and Statistical Study]. Novosibirsk. Nauka [Science]. 1991. 267 р.
- Blinova M.S. Sotsiologiya migratsii: istoriya stanovleniya i perspektivy razvitiya[Sociology of Migration: History of Formation and Development Prospects]. Moscow. KDU [KDU]. 2009. 190 р.
- Homra A.U. Migratsiya naseleniya: Voprosy teorii, metodiki issledovaniya [Population Migration: Issues of Theory, Research Methods]. Kiev. Naukova dumka [Scientific Thought]. 1979. 112 р.
Artem A. Fedotov
Quality of life and human potential – the nature and the differences between the concepts
Key words: quality of life, quality of population, human potential, human development concept.
Abstract. The purpose of the article is to define and to make a distinction between such complex categories as quality of life and quality of population. These two concepts are often confused with each other due to their ambiguity. To find out the causes of this confusion, the author examines the origin and development of these categories in the course of time. It is worth noting that these concepts are fundamental by nature, and in many respects their definition forms a specific language for further studies.
- Ayvazyan S.A. Analiz kachestva i obraza jizni naseleniya [Analysis of the Quality and Way of Life of Population]. Moscow. Nauka. [Science]. 2012. 432 p.
- Ilyichev L.F., Fedoseyev P.N., Kovalev S.M., Panov V.G. Filosofsky enciklopedichesky slovar [Philosophical Encyclopedic Dictionary]. Available at: http://dic.academic.ru/dic.nsf/enc_ philosophy/4397/
- Smith A. An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations. (inRussian). Moscow. Eksmo. 2007. 1056 p.
- Stiglitz J.E., Sen A., Fitoussi J.-P. Mis-measuring Our Lives: Why GDP Doesn't Add Up: The report by the Commission on the Measurement of Economic Performance And Social Progress. (in Russ.). Moscow. Izdatelstvo Instituta Gaidara [Gaidar Institute Publishers]. 2016. 216 p.
- Soboleva I.V. Chelovecheskiy potentsial rossiyskoy ekonomiki: problemy sokhraneniya i razvitiya [Human Potential of the Russian Economy: Problems of Maintenance and Development]. Moscow. Nauka. [Science]. 2007. 202 p.
- Maslova I.S., Moskovich V.M., Kosayev A.G., et al. Trudovie resursy: effectivnost ispolzovaniya [Human Resources: Efficiency of the Use]. Moscow. Nauka. [Science]. 1988. 264 p.
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- Rimashevskaya N.M., Migranova L.A., Toksanbaeva M.S. Chelovechesky I trudovoy potentsial rossiyskih regionov [Human and labour potential of Russian regions]. Narodonaseleniye [Population]. 2014. No. 3. P. 106-119.
Vladislav S. Zharomsky
Estimation of the consistency of answers in population surveys on poverty issues
Key words: poverty estimation, latent-structural analysis, modeling, sample survey, socio-demographic groups of population.
Abstract. The toolkit of household surveys on poverty includes several questions, the answers to which characterize different aspects of this phenomenon. There are three methods of estimating the extent of poverty: economic (by income levels), by the degree of access to goods and services (need – deprivation), and psychological (subjective perception of one’s standard of living).All of them characterize this social phenomenon, but it is not clear how these estimates are consistent with each other, and whether there is a latent poverty that statistically affects them. The article attempts to solve this problem with the help of latent-structural analysis. It presents the results of specific calculations and proves the possibility of obtaining consistent poverty estimates for different socio-demographic groups of population.
- Bednost': al'ternativnyye podkhody k opredeleniyu i izmereniyu [Poverty: Alternative Approaches to its Definition and Measuring]. Moscow. Moskovskiy Tsentr Karnegi [Carnegie Moscow Center]. 1998. Issue 24.
- Ovcharova L.N. Sotsial'no-demograficheskiy profil', faktory i formy proyavleniya bednosti rossiyskogo naseleniya. Dissertatsiya na soiskaniye uchenoy stepeni doktora ekonomicheskikh nauk [The socio-demographic profile, factors and forms of the manifestations of poverty of the Russian population. Doctoral dissertation]. Moscow. ISEPN RAN [Institute of Socio-Economic Studies of Population RAS]. 2011.
- Prokofieva L.M., Korchagina I.I., Popova R.I., et al. Nemonetarnoye izmereniye bednosti i sotsial'naya uyazvimost' naseleniya [Non-monetary measure of poverty and social vulnerability of the Russian population]. Narodonaseleniye [Population]. 2015. No. 1. P. 82-94.
- Dinamika monetarnykh i nemonetarnykh kharakteristik urovnya zhizni rossiyskikh domokhozyaystv za gody postsovetskogo razvitiya (analiticheskiy doklad) [Dynamics of the Monetary and Non-Monetary Characteristics of the Living Standards of Russian Households in the Years of the Post-Soviet Development. Analytical report]. Moscow. Fond «Liberal'naya missiya» [Liberal Mission Foundation]. 2014.
- Townsend P. Poverty in the United Kingdom. London. Penguin Press. 1979.
- Van Praag B., Goedhart T., Kapteyn A. The Poverty Line — a Pilot Survey in Europe. Review of Economics and Statistics. 1980.
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Igor B. Kolmakov
Methods of measuring inequality in population incomes
Key words: inequality, monetary per capita income, lognormal distribution, distribution parameters, indices of polarization.
Abstract. The article proposes to expand the number of indicators characterizing inequality of population by the level of average monetary per capita income (AMPCI). The Gini index does not contain quantitative estimations of the incomes of different population groups. The funds ratio does not reflect the full picture of the existing inequality. Therefore, the author proposes economically based indicators of monetary income in equality called polarization indices. Using different characteristics of the lognormal distribution of population by monetary per capita income — average per capita income, mode and median — as the boundaries dividing the total population into two groups with the incomes above and below the set lines, the author calculates and compares estimates of the average per capita monetary incomes in these population groups. It has been found that the values of polarization indices depend only on the values of the normalized Laplace functions, the arguments of which are various shares of the standard deviation of income logarithm.
- Metodologicheskiye polozheniya po statistike[Methodological Guidelines on Statistics]. Issue 1. Moscow. Rosstat. 1996. 674 p.
- Velikanova T., Kolmakov I., Frolova E. Sovershenstvovaniye metodiki i modeley raspredeleniya naseleniya po srednedushevomu dokhodu [Improving the methods and models of population distribution by average per capita income]. Voprosy statistiki[Statistical Studies]. 1996. № 5. P. 50-58.
- Velikanova T. Sredniy, mediannyy i modal'nyy uroven' denezhnykh dokhodov naseleniya v tselom po Rossii i po sub"yektam Rossiyskoy Federatsii [Average, median and modal levels of population monetary incomes for Russia on the whole and by the Russian Federation subjects]. Available at: http://www.gks.ru/free_doc/new_site/population/ bednost/tabl/tab-bed1-2-6.htm (Accessed: 29 April 2017)
- Sotsial'noye polozheniye i uroven' zhizni naseleniya Rossii[Social Status and Living Standards of the Russian Population]. Statistical handbook. Moscow. Rosstat. 2000-2016.
- Kolmakov I. Metodologiya izmereniya neravenstva denezhnykh dokhodov naseleniya: analiz i prognoz pokazateley differentsiatsii i polyarizatsii [Methodology for measuring inequality of the population monetary incomes: analysis and forecast of differentiation and polarization]. Audit i finansovyy analiz [Audit and Financial Analysis]. Moscow. 2016. №6. P. 409-424.
- Kolmakov I. Metodologiya analiza integral'nykh otsenok pokazateley polyarizatsii denezhnykh dokhodov naseleniya [Methodology for analysis of integral estimates of the indicators of polarization of the population monetary incomes]. Moscow. Voprosy statistiki[Statistical Studies]. 2015. № 2. P. 23-26.
- Kolmakov I. Metody i modeli prognozirovaniya pokazateley differentsiatsii i polyarizatsii denezhnykh dokhodov naseleniya [Methods and models of forecasting the indicators of differentiation and polarization of the population monetary incomes]. Moscow. Thesis of the Doctoral diss. 2008.
- Milanovic B. Global'noye neravenstvo dokhodov v tsifrakh: na protyazhenii istorii i v nastoyashcheye vremya: obzor: doklad k XV Apr. mezhdunarodnoy nauchnoy konferentsii po problemam razvitiya ekonomiki i obshchestva [Global Income Inequality in Numbers: in History and Now. Overview of the reports at the XV April international scientific conf. on development of economy and society]. Moscow, April 1-4, 2014. (in Russian). Moscow. Izdatel'skiy dom Vysshey shkoly ekonomiki [Higher School of Economics]. 2014.
Mairash S. Toksanbaeva, Mikhail V. Antonov
Employment in the Moscow small businesses of different status
Key words: small business, small enterprise, microenterprise, individual entrepreneurship, employment, human potential, work-related security.
Abstract. The article considers employment in the Moscow small businesses according to their status: small and microenterprises, individual entrepreneurship including entrepreneurship without legal clearance presented by small, smaller, smallest and super-small business. Based on the findings of a sample survey of the city workers employed in this sector (2015), the article analyses the characteristics of their human potential and the level of their social security. The analysis reveals significant differences in the small business employment both by the quality of human potential and by the compliance with labour legislation.
- Krylova E.B. Maloye predprinimatel'stvo i zanyatost' naseleniya [Small business and population employment]. Problemy prognozirovaniya [Studies on Russian Economic Development]. 2009. No. 1. P. 125-132.
- Toreev V.B. Osobennosti razvitiya malogo biznesa v Rossii[Specifics of the Development of Small Business in Russia]. Moscow. ISEPN RAN [Institute of Socio-Economic Studies of Population]. 2006.
- Bancheva A.A. Individual'noye predprinimatel'stvo v sisteme malogo biznesa [Individual Entrepreneurship in the System of Small Business]. Ekonomicheskiy zhurnal [Economic Journal]. 2006. No. 12. P. 46-55.
- Kurilo A.E. Samostoyatel'naya zanyatost' naseleniya kak faktor snizheniya napryazhennosti rynka truda v regione [Self-employment of population as a factor of reducing tension on regional labour market]. Narodonaseleniye [Population]. 2011. No. 3. P. 59-68.
- Neustoychivost' zanyatosti (prekarizatsiya): osobennoye i obshcheye s uchetom integratsionnykh usiliy gosudarstva i obshchestva [Employment Precarity: Specific and General Features with the Account of the Integration Efforts of the State and Society]. Moscow. Izdatel'skiy Dom MAGISTR-PRESS [Magister Press]. 2015. 448 p.
Alexander V. Rusanov
Suburbanization and housing construction in Moscow oblast
Key words: suburbanization, suburbanization factors, second house, housing market, population settlement, dacha construction.
Abstract. The article examines the specifics of the suburbanization process in Moscow region. It shows spatial distribution of dacha (summer cottage) settlements across the territory of Moscow oblast as a special form of the second housing in Russia that mainly developed in the period of planned economy. It considers the development of property market and the pace of housing construction after the transition to a market economy and identifies the basic factors of the territorial differentiation in the cost of housing. On the basis of the age structure of the biggest cities in Moscow oblast it identifies demographic specifics of the suburbanization process in recent years.
- Rusanov A.V. Spetsifika dachnoy suburbanizatsii v Rossii na primere Moskovskogo regiona [Specifics of the summer cottage suburbanization in Russia on the example of Moscow region]. Ekonomicheskiye i sotsial'nyye peremeny: fakty, tendentsii, prognoz [Economic and Social Changes: Facts, Trends, Prospects]. 2015. No. 6 (42). P. 232-245.
- Nefedova T.G., Savchuk I.G. Vtoroye zagorodnoye zhil'ye gorozhan v Rossii i Ukraine: evolyutsiya dach i trendy ikh sovremennykh izmeneniy [Second suburban housing of city residents in Russia and Ukraine: evolution of summercottages and trends in their current changes]. Izvestiya RAN. Ser. geograficheskaya [Regional Research of Russia]. Moscow. 2014. No. 4. P. 39-49.
- Mezhdu domom i… domom. Vozvratnaya prostranstvennaya mobil'nost' naseleniya Rossii [Between House and… House. Return Spatial Mobility of the Russian Population]. Eds. T.G. Nefedova, K.V. Averkieva, A.G. Makhrova. Moscow. Novyy khronograf [New Chronograph]. 2016. 504 p.
- Lovell S. Summerfolk: A History of the Dacha, 1710–2000. Cornell University Press. 2003. 275 р.
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Natalia V. Govorova
Russian Arctic: socio-demographic profile
Key words: Arctic zone of the Russian Federation, demography, socio-economic development, labour resources, education.
Abstract. The article deals with the demographic and socio-economic situation in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation. There are studied the prevailing demographic trends, main indicators of the development of the economy and the social sphere, the situation on the labour market in the subjects of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation, the problems of providing the region with personnel having necessary skills, as well as the population health. The central role in solving the complex problems of the revival of the Russian Arctic belongs to the workforce of the region as the main factor of the economic and social development.
- Antyushina N.M., Govorova N.V. Perspektivy khozyaystvennogo osvoyeniya Arkticheskoy zony Rossii [Prospects of the economic development of Russia’s Arctic zone]. Sovremennaya Yevropa [Contemporary Europe]. 2014. № 4. P. 48-60.
- Govorova N.V. Chelovecheskiy i konkurentnyy potentsial Arktiki Human and competitive potential of the Arctic. Sovremennaya Yevropa [Contemporary Europe]. 2012. № 4. P. 62-70.
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Vsevolod M. Zherebin, Nina A. Ermakova, Olga N. Makhrova
Socio-psychological aspects of the virtual life organization
Key words: virtual life, virtual reality, virtual personality, second life.
Abstract. Virtual life can be within large virtual communities or special projects like Second Life or Model cities in Japan, as well as in blogs and individual pages in Internet. A fairly comprehensive idea of the virtual life concept can be presented by the Second Life project — a three-dimensional virtual world with the elements of social network that now has over one million of active users. The project was developed and launched by LindenLab, USA in 2003 and afterwards has gained a wide popularity. The past decade was marked by widespread designs of online virtual identities in Internet. This phenomenon was described as applied to such types of electronic communications as multiplayer roleplaying games, teleconferencing, discussion forums, guest books, personal homepages, etc. It should be noted that virtual individuals basically differ psychologically from residents of large virtual communities. While the latter are focused primarily on recreation, entertainment, pursuit of new knowledge, the former prefer to use the possibilities of virtual life to achieve real practical results.
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- Mikaeva A.S., Rutkovskaуа О.А. Pravovaja priroda otnoshenij v seti Internet i ih specifika [The legal nature of relations on the Internet and their specificity]. Nauchnoe obozrenie. Serija 1. Jekonomika i pravo [Scientific Review. Series 1. Economics and Law]. 2016. № 2. Р. 136-142.
- Mikaeva A.S. Pravovoe obespechenie bezopasnosti nesovershennoletnih v seti Internet [Legal maintenance of safety of minors on the Internet]. Nauchnoe obozrenie. Serija 1. Jekonomika i pravo [Scientific Review. Series 1. Economics and Law]. 2017. № 1. Р. 85-91.
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Olga N. Vershinskaya, Elena E. Skvortsova
Internet life of people aged 50+
Key words: Internet, adaptation, cultural-information factor, personal motivations, consumption patterns, interregional cultural gap.
Abstract. The article considers the issue of Internet usage by people 50+ from two angles: in statistical and interdisciplinary approaches. Statistical analysis shows that in the Russian Federation most elderly people are not involved in the virtual world yet. State and business structures are taking measures to train retired people in computer and Internet literacy that would improve their quality of life and reduce the intergenerational cultural gap. But these actions are not based on understanding of the nature of the emergence and development of informatization, and they do not answer the question, who of the elderly people and why are not using Internet. The leading role in interdisciplinary studies is attributed to personal values, informal rules and relations. The authors make an attempt to show the difference between the statistical and interdisciplinary approaches in the assessment of the problem and the depth of investigation.
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