№ 1 (75) – 2017 (January – March)
Roik V.D. Social budgeting in Russia: from paternalistic to insurance paradigm…………….
Solovyev A.K. Pension provision in Russia………………………………………………………
Uzyakova E.S. Labour resource constraints and growth opportunities in economy…………
Alexandrova O.A., Nenakhova Yu.S., Yarasheva A.V. Possibility of the strategic planning of labour potential in the light and food industry, and agro-industrial complex……..
Kazenin K.I., Kozlov V.A. Childbearing age in Dagestan: significance of the ethnic
factor under the conditions of modernization……………………………………………………...
Sukhareva I.A. Dynamics of the male life expectancy in the Republic of Crimea……………
Rimashevskaya N.M., Malysheva M.M., Morozova T.V., Pisklakova-Parker M.P.
Trans-generational violence in families……………………………………………………………
Iudin A.A., Ovsyannikov A.A., Kovshova E.S. Parents of schoolchildren about the education system: reformists and conservatives…………………………………………………
Trofimova K.A. Attitude of the Russian population towards insurance……………………….
Korchagina I.I., Migranova L.A. Estimation of the quality of life according to the population survey outcomes………………………………………………………………………..
Zherebin V.M., Alexeeva O.A., Vershinskaya O.N. Socio-psychological features of Internet users…………………………………………………………………………………………
Vyalshina A.A. Socio-economic factors of the formation of children’s human capital……….
X Russian-Polish scientific seminar Health and Quality of Life……………………………
Methodological seminar The Issues of Estimating Programmes, Projects and Practices of Initiative Budgeting…………………………………………………………………
International research and practical conference Fatherhood in Russia Today…………
Expert seminar Demographic Trends in the Family Policy:
In Unity or Contradiction?....................................................................................................
Summary in Russian………………………………………………………………………………..
Summary in Еnglish………………………………………………………………………………….
Valentin D. ROIK
Social budgeting in Russia: from paternalistic to insurance paradigm
Key words: social budget, social insurance and social security, social sphere, capital, wage labour.
Abstract. Social protection is the key element in organization of population life. Social budget serves as the instrument of its funding. At present there are different models of the organization of social budget. Basing on their capabilities, countries redistribute through social budget from 10 to 30% of their GDP. Social budgeting models depend on many factors that should be taken into account together with the practices of developed countries and the national experience. Today social budgeting is faced with new challenges — new situation on the labour market and population ageing. Many countries have begun to reduce social protection expenditure giving priority to development of individual forms of mutual assistance. Other countries are raising the role of individual efforts in the sphere of social insurance. In Russia the time is ripe to transform the existing system of social security in the sphere of pension and health insurance, to form a new model of distributing financial burden between the main subjects of legal relations.
- Scholz W., Cichon M., Hagemejer K. Social Budgetinq. Quantitative Methods in Social Protection Series. International Labour Office. International Social Security Association. Geneva. 2000.
- Kembridzhskaya ekonomicheskaya istoriya Yevropy Novogo i Noveyshego vremeni[The Cambridge Economic History of Modern Europe]. Volume 1: 1700-1870. Moscow. Gaydar Institute. 2013.
- Vagner A. Sotsial'nyy vopros[Social Queshion]. Sankt-Petersburg. 1906.
- Taxation and Democracy in America. New York. Octagon Books. 1980.
- Piketty, Thомаs. Kapital v XXI veke[Cаpital in the 21st Century]. Moscow. Аd Маrginem Press. 2016.
- Yungblyud D. Sotsial'no-ekonomicheskiye modeli razvitykh stran: osnovnyye osobennosti, effektivnost', perspektivy [Socio-economic models of the developed countries: basic features, efficiency, prospects]. Obshchestvo i ekonomika [Society and Economy]. 2007. № 7.
- Sotsial'noye obespecheniye v mire v 2010-2011 gg. Obespecheniye okhvata vo vremya i posle krizisa. Gruppa tekhnicheskoy podderzhki po voprosam dostoynogo truda i Byuro MOT dlya stran Vostochnoy Yevropy i Tsentral'noy Azii [World Social Security Report 2010-2011: Providing Coverage in Times of Crisis and beyond]. Byuro MOT v Moskve [International Labour Office. Moscow Bureau]. 2011.
- Belov V., Proshunin M. Finansovo-pravovyye instituty zarubezhnykh stran: uchebnoye posobiye [Finance and Law Institutions in Foreign Countries]. Moscow. INFRA-M. 2012.
Pension provision in Russia
Key words: subsistence minimum of pensioners, living standards, replacement rate, labour pension.
Abstract. The only measure of the level of pension provision in the Russian Federation set by the law has been for a long time the subsistence minimum of pensioners (SMP). The article provides estimation of the level of pension provision using another indicator — replacement rate, which allows characterizing the living standards of people after retirement in comparison with those in the employment period, i.e. in terms of replacement of the lost earnings by pension, or in comparison with the living standards of the present-day employees. The author also analyses trends and dynamics in the change of these indicators in the course of the pension reform.
- Solovyev A.K. Pensionnaya reforma: illyuzii i real'nost' [Pension Reform: Illusions and Reality]. Textbook. Moscow. Prospekt. 2015. 300 p.
- Solovyev A.K. Koeffitsiyent zameshcheniya: problemy teorii i praktiki [Replacement Rate: Issues of Theory and Practice]. Moscow. Variant. 2014. 304 p.
- Solovyev A.K., Melezhik N.V., Nurieva N.N. Aktuarnyy analiz pensionnogo obespecheniya zastrakhovannykh lits, rabotayushchikh v rayonakh Kraynego Severa i priravnennykh k nim mestnostyakh [Actuarial analysis of the pension provision of the insured persons working in the Far North regions and equivalent areas]. Voprosy Statistiki. 2013. No 3. P. 60-90.
- Solovyev A.K. Problema preodoleniya bednosti pensionerov — klyuchevaya zadacha gosudarstva i obshchestva sovremennoy Rossii [The problem of overcoming poverty among pensioners as the key task of the state and society in today’s Russia]. Ekonomicheskiye i sotsial'nyye peremeny. Fakty, tendentsii, prognoz [Economic and Social Changes. Facts, Trends, Forecast]. 2014. No 5(35). P. 143-155.
Labour resource constraints and growth opportunities in economy
Key words: economic growth, sphere of material production, labour costs, conditional effective employment, labour productivity, productivity of primary resources use.
Abstract. The article discusses the issues of forecasting employment and labour productivity in the Russian economy on the example of the material sphere. To assess the growth opportunities in this sphere under the labour resources constraints, the author used the concept of conditional effective employment based on the relationship of labour productivity and productivity of primary resources use. There are given forecasts based on the estimates of the nominal (official statistics) and conditional efficiency of employment. The extent of the restrictive impact of labour resources on the economic growth is measured by the degree of mismatch of labour demand (the estimated number of the employed) and labour supply, determined by the demographic processes. On the basis of calculations the article shows that the deficit of labour resources has become a significant restriction of the Russian economic growth, and the growth opportunities in the sphere of material production in the medium and long-term perspective (if the present level of employment remains) are limited by the annual rate of 2.5-3.0%.
- Korovkin A. G., Polezhayev A. V. Analiz dinamiki rossiyskogo rynka truda s uchetom zatrat rabochego vremeni [Analysis of the Russian labour market dynamics with theaccount of labour hours]. Problemy prognozirovaniya[Studies of Russian Economic Development]. 2003. No 5. P. 99-115.
- Kuzmin V. V., Kuznetsov S. G., Mukhina I. I., Misyuryaev S. G. Modelirovaniye i instrumental'nyye sredstva prognozirovaniya otrabotannogo rabochego vremeni [Modeling and instrumentsfor forecasting worked hours]. Nauchnyye trudy INP RAN[Scientific Papers of the Institute of Economic Forecasting]. Moscow. MAKS Press. 2012. P. 148-174.
- Kapelyushnikov R. I. Konets rossiyskoy modeli rynka truda? Preprint. Problemy rynka truda. [The End of the Russian Model of the Labor Market? Preprint. Problems of the labor market]. Moscow. Vysshaya shkola ekonomiki [Higher School of Economics]. 2009. 41p.
- Uzyakova E. S. Analiz i prognozirovaniye zanyatosti i zatrat truda v rossiyskoy ekonomike [Analysis and forecasting of employment and labor input in the Russianeconomy]. Problemy prognozirovaniya[Studies of Russian Economic Development]. 2015. No 4. P. 58-70.
- Uzyakova E. S., Uzyakov M. N. Effektivnost' ispol'zovaniya pervichnykh resursov kak indikator tekhnologicheskogo razvitiya: retrospektivnyy analiz i prognoz [Employment and effective employment in the Russianeconomy]. Problemy prognozirovaniya [Studies of Russian Economic Development]. 2011. No 6. P. 89-101.
- Uzyakov M. N. The effectiveness of the use of primary resources as an indicator oftechnological development: retrospective analysis and forecast. Problemy prognozirovaniya[Studies of Russian Economic Development]. 2011. No 2. P. 3-18.
- Uzyakova E. S. Al'ternativnyye podkhody k otsenke vozmozhnostey rosta sfery material'nogo proizvodstva v usloviyakh ogranicheniy so storony trudovykh resursov [Alternative approaches to assessment of growth opportunities in the materialproduction sphere under the labor resources constraints]. Available at: http://macroforecast.ru/section Publications — Monographs and dissertations. 201 p.
- FSGS. Trud i zanyatost' v Rossii[Labor and Employment in Russia. Federal State Statistics Service]. 2001 -2013.
- Perspektivy razvitiya ekonomiki Rossii: prognoz do 2030 goda [Prospects of Development of the Russia's Economy: Forecast up to 2030]. Eds. A.V. Ivanter and M.Yu. Ksenofontov. Moscow. Ankil. 2013. 408 p.
- Shirov A.A., Yantovsky A.A. Mezhotraslevaya makroekonomicheskaya model' kak yadro kompleksnykh prognoznykh raschetov [Inter-industry macroeconomic model as the core ofcomplex forecast estimations]. Problemy prognozirovaniya [Studies of Russian Economic Development]. 2014. No 3. P. 18-31.
- Mezhdunarodnyye sopostavleniya, tablitsy «Zatraty-Vypusk» [International comparisons. Input-output tables]. Available at: http://www.wiod.org/new_site/home.htm.
- Shirov A.A., Gusev M.S., Yantovsky A.A., Potapenko V.V. Dolgosrochnoye razvitiye rossiyskoy ekonomiki i problema effektivnosti ispol'zovaniya trudovykh resursov [Long-term development of theRussian economy and the problem of efficient use of labor resources]. Problemy prognozirovaniya [Studies of Russian Economic Development]. 2012. No 1. P. 3-19.
Possibility of the strategic planning of labour potential in the light and food industry, and agro-industrial complex
Key words: labour potential, strategic planning, light and food industry, agro-industrial complex, personnel, vocational training
Abstract. On the basis of the data from a sociological study conducted in three Russian regions, in the economic structure of which a significant role is played by the light and food industry, and agro-industrial complex, the article presents analysis of the human resources in the relevant industries, ways to fill vacancies, factors determining the planning horizons of enterprises, and the effects on them of the recently adopted laws on the strategic planning and industrial policy.
- Silvestrov S.N. Bezopasnost', obespechennaya razvitiyem [Security provided by development]. Ekonomicheskiye strategii [Economic Strategies]. 2009. No 3. P. 42-47.
- Toksanbaeva M.S. Segmentirovannyy rynok truda: otraslevaya struktura i masshtaby zanyatosti [Segmented labor market: the branch structure and scope of employment]. Ekonomicheskaya nauka sovremennoy Rossii [Economic Science of Modern Russia]. 2016. No 1 (72). P. 76-88.
- Zanin V.P. Zhestokaya ekonomika Rossii [Cruel Russian Economy]. Moscow. Golos-press [Voice-Press]. 2009.
- North D.C. Institutions, Institutional Change and Economic Performance. Cambridge. Cambridge University Press. 1990.
Konstantin I. KAZENIN, Vladimir A. KOZLOV
Childbearing age in Dagestan: significance of the ethnic factor under the conditions of modernization
Key words: fertility, mean age at childbearing, North Caucasus, Dagestan, modernization, education, ethnicity.
Abstract. The article deals with fertility in the Republic of Dagestan, which markedly differs from the Russian average in fertility timing: the mean age of mother at the first childbirth in Dagestan is not rising and remains at a relatively low level. And there are significant differences between the ethnic groups in the republic that from the point of the demographic theory seems quite unexpected against the background of the ongoing modernization changes in the republic. Based on the analysis of the data from the All-Russian population census — 2010 and from the survey conducted by the authors in Dagestan, the article shows that the ethnic differences in the age of mothers at the first childbirth are remaining, even among women with high education level and younger age cohorts. Lack of neutralization of the ethnic differences by the character of childbearing in the educated groups of population is quite a rare phenomenon that needs a special explanation. Its possible social and cultural origins are the subject of discussion.
- Goldscheider C. Population, Modernization and Social Structure. Boston. Little Brown. 1971.
- Sly D.F. Minority group status: An extension of Goldscheider and Uhlenberg. American Journal of Sociology. Vol. 76. 1970. P. 443-459.
- Lesthaeghe R. Social organization, economic crisis and the future of fertility control in Africa. Lesthaeghe R. (ed.). Reproduction and Social Organization in Sub-Saharan Africa. Berkeley. University of California Press. 1989. P. 475-505.
- Caldwell J.C., Caldwell P. The cultural context of high fertility in Sub-Saharan Africa. Population and Development Review. Vol.13. 1987. P. 409-437.
- Osmanov A.I. Agrarnyye preobrazovaniya v Dagestane i pereseleniye gortsev na ravninu [Agrarian Reforms in Dagestan and Migration from Mountains to the Valley]. Makhachkala. Dagestan Scientific Center RAS. 2000.
- Karpov Ju.Ju., Kapustina E.L. Gorcy posle gor [Mountain People after the Mountains]. Sankt-Petersburg. Peterburgskoe Vostokovedenie [Petersburg’s Orientalism]. 2011.
- Kazenin K.I., Kozlov V.A. Omolozhenie materinstva v Dagestane: predvaritel’nye rezul’taty obsledovanija sel’skogo naselenia [Rejuvenation of motherhood in Dagestan: preliminary results of a survey among rural population]. Demograficheskoe obozrenie [Demographic Review]. 2016. № 3. P. 100-123.
- Belozerov V.S. Etnicheskaja karta Severnogo Kavkaza [The ethnic map of North Caucasus]. Moscow. 2005. 304 р.
- Bongaarts J. The fertility impact of changes in the timing of childbearing in the developing world. Population Studies. Vol. 53. 1999. P. 277-289.
- Bumpass L., R. Rindfuss, R. Janosik. Age and marital status at first birth and the pace of subsequent fertility. Demography. Vol.15.1978. P. 75-86.
- Shorter E. The Making of Modern Family. New York. Basic Books. 1977.
- Levy M.J., Jr. Modernization and the Structure of Societies. Princeton, NJ. Princeton University Press. 1966.
- Van de Kaa D. Anchored narratives: The story and findings of a half century of research into the determinants of fertility. Population Studies. Vol. 50. 1996. P.389-432.
- Caldwell J. Theory of Fertility Decline. London. Academic Press. 1982.
- Gore D.L., Carlson E. Ethnicity, education, and the non-proportional hazard of first marriage in Turkey. Population Studies. Vol. 64. 2010. P. 179-191.
- Bagavos C., Tsimbos C., Verropoulou G. Native and migrant fertility patterns in Greece: A cohort approach. European Journal of Population/Revue European de Demography. Vol. 24. 2008. P. 245-263.
- Bulatova A.G. Lakcy. Istoriko-etnograficheskie ocherki [The Laks: Historic and Ethnographic Essays]. Makhachkala. 2000.
- Starodubrovskaya I.V., Kazenin K.I. Severokavkazskie goroda: territorija kontrastov [Cities of North Caucasus: The territory of contrasts]. Obshchestvennye nauki i sovremennost’ [Social Sciences and Today’s World]. 2014. No 6. Р. 70-82.
Dynamics of the male life expectancy in the Republic of Crimea
Key words: mortality, life expectancy, causes of death, men, Republic of Crimea.
Abstract. The article presents analysis of the mortality and life expectancy of men and women in the Republic of Crimea in 2008-2013. Mortality rate of men is higher than that of women, particularly from respiratory diseases, injuries and poisonings. The highest male mortality was observed in the young and active working age. It is shown that the average life expectancy of men in the Republic of Crimea was 10 years lower than that of women, and 12-13 lower than of men in developed countries. It has been found out that life expectancy depends on the socio-economic development of a country. Calculations given in the article show that GDP per capita is responsible for about 85% of the changes in the average life expectancy of men.
- Demograficheskiy yezhegodnik Rossii 2013 [The Demographic Yearbook of Russia 2013]. Available at: http://www.gks.ru/bgd/regl/B13_16/Main.htm (Accessed: 26 October 2016).
- Tretyakova O.S., Sukhareva I.A. Sverkhsmertnost' muzhchin kak aktual'naya problema sovremennogo obshchestva [Male overmortality as a topical problem of modern society]. Tavricheskiy mediko-biologicheskiy vestnik [Tauric Medical and Biological Bulletin]. Vol. 17. 2014. No 3(67). P.85-90.
- Naseleniye Respubliki Krym 2015: Demograficheskiy yezhegodnik [Population of the Republic of Crimea. Demographic yearbook]. Simferopol. 2016.
- Krymstat. Yezhegodnyy otchet [Crimeastat. Annual Report]. Simferopol. 2013.
- Global Burden of Disease: Evidence, Policy Direction. Regional edition for Europe and Central Asia. World Bank. Washington. 2013. 70 p.
- Statistichniy shchoríchnik Ukraí̈ni za 2012 rík [Statistical Yearbook of Ukraine. 2012]. Kiev. August Trade. 2012. 559 p.
- Srednyaya prodolzhitel'nost' zhizni v Rossii i stranakh mira v 2013 godu [Average life expectancy in Russia and countries of the world in 2013]. Available at: bs-life.ru/makroekonomika/prodolzitelnost-zizni2013.html (Accessed: 26 October 2016).
- Doklad VOZ o sostoyanii zdravookhraneniya v mire. Nauchnyye issledovaniya v tselyakh dostizheniya vseobshchego okhvata naseleniya meditsinskimi uslugami [WHO report on the state of world health care. Scientific research for the purpose of achieving overall coverage of population with health services]. 2013. 206 p. Available at: who.int/iris/bitstream/10665/85761/17/9789240690868_rus.pdf (Accessed: 26 October 2016).
- The Human Capital Report 2015. World Economic Forum 2015. Available at: http://www.skillsforemployment.org/KSP/en/Details/?dn=WCMSTEST4_142254 (Accessed: 15 December 2016).
- Shkolnikov V., Andreev E., Mc KeeM, Leon D. Components and possible determinants of the decrease in Russian mortality in 2004-2010. Demographic Research. 2013. Vol. 28. Article 32. P. 917-950.
Trans-generational violence in families
Key words: types of conflicts, communication dysfunction, physical, psychical and economic violence, punishment of children, gender-dysfunctional parenthood, spouses’ relationships.
Abstract. The article provides the data from the representative survey conducted in June 2015 in the Republic of Karelia (North of the Russian Federation) and focuses on the transition from generation to generation of violent models of relationships between parents and of their behavior towards children. There are considered various types of conflicts and their frequency in the older and younger generations, main forms of violence among spouses, adult children’s assessment of the relationship models of their parents and of their own, kinds of punishment of children and their attitude to punishments, parents’ cruelty, public humiliation of children, lack of communication skills in the relationships between parents and children.
- How witnessing domestic violence damages children. Available at: http://www.smh.com. au/national/how-witnessing-domestic-violence-damages-children-20151120-gl43s4.html (Accessed: 22 November 2015).
- Osofsky D. Joy. The Impact of Violence on Children. Available at: http//www. futureofchildren.org/publications/docs/09_03_2.pdf.
- Behind Closed Doors. The Impact of Domestic Violence on Children. UNICEF. Available at: http://www.unicef.org./protection/files/BehindClosedDoors.pdf.
- Domestic Violence. Methodologies in Dialogues. Eds. Ch. Raghavan and J.Sh. Cohen. Northeastern University Press. Boston. 2013.
- Soyuz ottsov spaset Rossiyu ot politicheskoy demagogii [Union of fathers will save Russia from political demagogy]. Available at: http://echo.msk.ru/blog/slepak57/1781390-echo/.
- Prodolzhitel'nost' zhizni v Rossii [Life Longevity in Russia]. Available at: http://ruxpert.ru.
- Kon I.S. Muzhchina v menyayushchemsya mire [Man in the Changing World]. Moscow. 2008. 431p.
- ZONA.MEDIA. Available at: http://zona.media/practice/infanticide/ (Accessed: 26 February 2016).
- Rohner R.P. The Parental "Acceptance-Rejection Syndrome": Universal Correlates of Perceived Rejection. American Psychologist. Vol. 59(8). November 2004. P. 830-840. Available at: http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/0003-066X.59.8.830.
Alexander A. IUDIN., Anatoly A. OVSYANNIKOV, Elena S. KOVSHOVA
Parents of schoolchildren about the education system: reformists and conservatives
Key words: education reform, unified state examination, parents, schoolchildren, reformists, conservatives.
Abstract. The article discusses the new features of the interaction of parents with school emerging in the period of the radical reformation of the education system. It shows a high interest of parents to the education system in Russia, their polarized assessment of the perspectives of the system that can be seen in the opinions of two groups of parents — the reformists and the conservatives. The reformists believe that the system is developing, the conservatives are sure that it is intensively degrading. The reformists claim that the education reform is necessary, they are satisfied with its progress, and the overwhelming majority of them positively assess various aspects of its functioning. The conservatives rarely give a positive assessment of the education system and they negatively assess most of its characteristics. The principal difference between them is that the conservatives make claims to the process of forming a harmonic moral personality of the student, and the reformists are focused on the issues of forming a competitive person in the society of mass consumption. Representatives of both groups rarely agree that it is necessary to make our school maximally close to the education standards of western countries, they believe that Russia should form its own education system that meets the requirements of the time.
- Ovsyannikov A.A. Yedinyy Gosudarstvennyy Ekzamen: kto i kak yego sdal [Unified state examinations: who and how has passed them]. Narodonaselenie. 2010. № 2. P. 46-66.
- Moiseyev N.N. Problemy obrazovaniya [Problems of education]. Trudy N.N. Moiseyeva po voprosam sovremennogo obrazovaniya [Moiseyev’s Works on Modern Education Issues]. Moscow. MNEPU — Mezhdunarodnyy nezavisimyy ekologo-politologicheskiy universitet [International Independent Ecologo-Politological University] 2012. P. 134-137.
- Zernov D.V., Iudin A.A., Ovsyannikov A.A. Sotsial'nyye oriyentiry i samochuvstviye rossiyskogo uchitel'stva [Social guidelines and feeling of well-being of Russian teachers]. Narodonaselenie. 2014. № 4. P. 43-60.
- Moiseyev N.N. Sistema «uchitel'» i sovremennaya ekologicheskaya obstanovka [The system "Teacher" and modern environmental situation]. Trudy N.N. Moiseyeva po voprosam sovremennogo obrazovaniya [Moiseyev’s Works on Modern Education Issue]. Moscow. MNEPU — Mezhdunarodnyy nezavisimyy ekologo-politologicheskiy universitet [International Independent Ecologo-Politological University] 2012. P. 58-66.
- Moiseyev N.N. O mekhanizmakh samoorganizatsii obshchestva i meste razuma v yego razvitii. Lektsiya [On the mechanisms of self-organization of society and the place of reason in its development. Lecture]. Trudy N.N. Moiseyeva po voprosam sovremennogo obrazovaniya Moscow. MNEPU — Mezhdunarodnyy nezavisimyy ekologo-politologicheskiy universitet [International Independent Ecologo-Politological University] [Moiseyev’s Works on Modern Education Issues]. 2012. P. 13-32.
- Korduba S.B. Konstitutsionnaya obyazannost' roditeley zabotit'sya o detyakh v Rossiyskoy Federatsii [The constitutional duty of parents to take care of their children in the Russian Federation]. Cand. diss. (law). Saratov. 2011.
- Korovkin V.Yu. Sovmestnaya deyatel'nost' shkoly i roditeley kak usloviye stanovleniya gosudarstvenno-obshchestvennogo upravleniya obrazovaniyem [Joint activities of school and parents as a condition for formation of the state-public education management]. Cand. diss. (pedag.) Sankt-Petersburg. 2002.
- Merenkov A.V., Musina T.E. Uchitel' v sisteme vzaimodeystviya s roditelyami [Teacher in the system of interaction with parents]. Obrazovaniye: vremya peremen. Materialy i tezisy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii [Education: the Time of Changes. Proceedings of scientific and practical conference]. Yekaterinburg — Nizhny Tagil. 1992. P. 77-79
- Pochechikhina V.N. Osobennosti vzaimodeystviya osnovnykh sub"yektov obrazovatel'nogo protsessa v shkole: Sotsiologicheskiy analiz [Specifics of the interaction of the main subjects of educational process at school: sociological analysis]. Cand. diss. (sociol.). Yekaterinburg. 2004.
- Samara G.N. Sotsial'nyye problemy shkol'nogo obrazovaniya v sovremennykh usloviyakh: Sotsiologicheskiy analiz na primere stolichnogo megapolisa [Social problems of school education in modern conditions: sociological analysis on the example of the capital city]. Cand. diss. (sociоl.). Moscow. 2001.
Attitude of the Russian population towards insurance
Key words: insurance services, types of insurance, insurance behavior, use of insurance, demand for insurance.
Abstract. The article deals with analysis of the attitude of the population of Russian cities towards insurance. On the basis of official statistics and population surveys it shows the scale of using different types of insurance. It identifies the causes of a wider spread of the compulsory motor third party liability insurance (OSAGO), comprehensive and collision car insurance (CASCO), real estate and household insurance. There are considered specifics of the demand for different types of life insurance contracts. The level of the potential demand for different insurance services in the coming years is shown here. There are identified certain reasons explaining insurance behavior of Russian people, their attitude towards insurance, insurance companies, certain types of insurance services.
- World Insurance in 2015: Steady growth amid Regional Disparities. Swiss Re Sigma. 2016. No 3. Available at: http://www.swissre.com/library/sigma3_2016_en.html.
- Rossiyskiy statisticheskiy yezhegodnik 2015 [Statistical Yearbook of Russia 2015]. Мoscow. 2015. 728 p. Available at: http://www.gks.ru/free_doc/doc_2015/year/ejegod-15.pdf.
- Federal'naya sluzhba gosudarstvennoy statistiki. Ofitsial'naya statistika. Finansovyy rynok. 2005-2015 gg. [Federal State Statistics Service. Official statistics. Financial market. 2005-2015]. Available at: http://www.gks.ru/wps/wcm/connect/rosstat_main/rosstat/ru/ statistics/finance/#.
- Tsentral'nyy bank Rossiyskoy Federatsii. Finansovyye rynki. Sub"yekty strakhovogo dela. Statisticheskiye pokazateli i informatsiya ob otdel'nykh sub"yektakh strakhovogo dela. Dannyye za 2012-2015 gg. [The Central Bank of the Russian Federation.Financial markets. The subjects of the insurance business. Statistics and information about thesubjects of the insurance business. Data for 2012-2010]. Available at: https://www.cbr.ru/finmar-kets/Prtld=sv_insurance.
- Rosstat. Ofitsial'naya statistika. Ispol'zovannyy valovoy vnutrenniy produkt. Godovyye dannyye 1995-2011 gg., 2011-2013 gg., 2014-2015 gg. [Federal State Statistics Service. Official statistics. Gross domesticproduct. Annual data for 1995-2011, 2011-2013, 2014-2015].Available at: http://www.gks.ru/free_doc/new site/vvp-god/tab.24htm.
- Sotsiologiya strakhovogo rynka po itogam 2013 goda [Sociology of the insurance market according to the results of the year 2013]. Tsentr strategicheskikh issledovaniy ROSGOSSTRAKha [Center for strategic research of the Rosstrakh]. Available at: http://www.rgs.ru/media/CSR/Sociology%20of%20the%20insurance%202013.pdf
- Strategiya razvitiya strakhovoy deyatel'nosti v Rossiyskoy Federatsii do 2020 goda. Utverzhdena Rasporyazheniyem Pravitel'stva RF ot 22 iyulya 2013 g. № 1293 — R. [The Strategy for Development of the Insurance Activity in the Russian Federation till 2020. Approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 22, 2013No 1293-Р.]. Available at: http://pravo.gov.ru/proxy/ips/?docbody=&nd=102167121&intelsearch.
Estimation of the quality of life according to the population survey outcomes
Key words: quality of life, material provision, living conditions, availability and quality of education, medical assistance.
Abstract. On the basis of the data from the sociological household survey in the city of Taganrog conducted by ISESP RAS in 2014 the article provides estimation of the quality of life of different socio-demographic groups and identifies the socio-economic problems that are most topical from the point of the city residents. In this study the quality of life of different socio-demographic groups was estimated by the concentration of unsatisfactory evaluations of the main characteristics of the level and quality of life, and the topicality of the problem – by the share of the unsatisfactory answers of all respondents. Households with high concentration of unsatisfactory assessments are mainly recorded among incomplete families and lone pensioners. According to the city residents, the most acute problems are low economic condition of households and lack of “barrier-free” environment for the disabled and people with limited mobility in the city.
- Metodika otsenki kachestva zhizni [Methods of the Quality of Life Estimation]. Moscow. 2000. P. 32-35.
- Kachestvo i uroven' zhizni naseleniya v novoy Rossii (1991-2005gg) [The Quality and Living Standards of Population in New Russia (1991-2005)]. Moscow. VTSUZH [All-Russian Center of Living Standards]. 2007. 718 p.
- Ajvazian S.A. Analiz kachestva i obraza zhizni naseleniya [Analysis of the Quality and Way of Life of Population: An Econometric Approach]. Moscow. Nauka [Science]. 2012. 431 p.
- Migranova L.A., Morgunov E.V. Kompleksnaya otsenka kachestva zhizni [Complex estimation of the quality of life]. Narodonaseleniye sovremennoy Rossii: vosproizvodstvo i razvitiye[Population of Modern Russia: Reproduction and Development]. Moscow. Econ-Inform. 2015. P. 167-191.
- Migranova L.A. Oplata truda v Rossii v usloviyakh krizisa [Work payment in Russia under the crisis conditions]. Nauchnoye obozreniye. Seriya 1. Ekonomika i pravo [Scientific Review. Series 1. Economics and Law]. 2016 No 1. P. 22-37.
- Ivashinenko N.N., Migranova L.A. Oplata truda v munitsipal'nom obrazovanii [Payment for work in municipal units]. Narodonaselenie. 2016. No 1. P. 29-41.
Socio-psychological features of Internet users
Key words: new information reality, motivation of Internet users, language and norms of communication, new ways of personality formation.
Abstract. The Internet contains a great amount of information, and it is a huge area of human communication. Communication in the Internet has its specific features and characteristics. Using multiple opportunities of the worldwide network leads to structural and functional changes in the mental activity of persons. In particular, specific features of the communication in the net generate two kinds of phenomena: firstly, the Internet allows users to construct virtual personalities; secondly, there is a risk of emerging internet addiction among the users. Modern Internet technologies allow people to shape personality according to quite new criteria — now persons are mainly characterized by the number of friends in social networks, by the number of people interacting with them, the number of tweets and contacts in general. This leads to changes in the social norms and standards of “normal behavior”: now it is quite common to demonstrate publicly own thoughts (LiveJournal diaries), everyday life, to use obscene words in the practice of online comments, etc. And there emerges a general cultural narcissism, the key factor of which is that the Internet environment encourages people to form illusions about themselves. Boundless space for self-realization gives the Internet users the illusion of their unlimited possibilities, if not of omnipotence.
- Kolichestvo pol'zovateley Interneta v Rossii i v mire v 2015 godu. Po dannym Omnibusa GSK na konets 2015 goda [Number of Internet users in Russia and in the world in 2015. GfK Omni-bead at the end of 2015]. Available at: http:bizhit.ru.
- Linii raskola v rossiyskom obshchestve[The lines of split in the Russian society]. Zavtra[Tomorrow]. 14 August. 2014.
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- Toffler A. Shok budushchego [Future Shock] (in Russian). Moscow. AST Publishing House. 557 p.
- Arestova O.N., Babanin L.N., Voyskunsky A.E. Motivatsiya pol'zovateley interneta. Vvedeniye [Motivation of Internet users. Introduction]. Available at: http:hr-portal.ru>article/arestova-onbabanin...interneta.
- Karr N.G. Pustyshka. Chto internet delayet s nashimi mozgami [The Shallows: What the Internet is doing to our Brains]. Available at: http:Livellib.ru>…pustyshka…internet-delact…nikolas.
- Orsak M. Zavisimost' ot komp'yuternykh igr: prichiny, simptomy [Dependence on computer games: causes, symptoms]. Available at: http:psi-doctor.ru>zavisisimost-от.
- Kazakova N.U. Klassifikaciya video- i komp'yuternyh igr kak osnovopolagayushchij faktor otbora formal'nyh priznakov v gejm-dizajne [Video and computer game classification аs the prime factor in formal attribute selection within the framework of game design]. Nauchnoe obozrenie. Seriya 2. Gumanitarnye nauki [Scientific review. Series 2. Human sciences]. 2015. № 6. Р. 10-24.
- Chumakova V.A. Psikhologicheskiye osobennosti internet-kommunikatsiy v sotsial'nykh setyakh [Psychological specifics of Internet communications in social networks]. Molodoy uchenyy [Young Scientist]. 2013. №3. Р. 451-453.
Socio-economic factors of the formation of children’s human capital
Key words: human capital, children, parents’ preferences, household income, family composition.
Abstract. The article presents a theoretical overview of the studies of Russian and foreign researchers aimed at investigating the specifics of the formation and development of children’s human capital. It shows that parent’s preferences are preconditioned by the socio-demographic and socio-psychological characteristics of their parents. There is analyzed the impact of parents’ education, employment status, distribution of time between the paid employment and upbringing children on the development and achievements of children. There are identified specific features of the formation of children’s human capital depending on the household income, family composition and number of children.
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- Rimashevskaya N.M., Rusanova N.E. Zdorovie rossiiskogo naseleniya v usloviyah socialno-economicheskoi modernizacii. [Health of the Russian population under the conditions of socio-economic modernization]. Narodonaselenie. 2015. № 4. P. 33-42.
- Bagirova A.P., Shubat O.M. Konzeptualniye podhody k kachestvu roditelyskogo truda. [Conceptual approaches to the quality of parental work]. Economicheskii analiz: teoriya i praktika. [Economic Analysis: Theory and Practice]. 2011. № 31. P. 2–6.
- Becker G., Nigel T. Child Endowments and the Quantity and Quality of Children. Journal of Political Economy. 1976. Vol. 84. No 4. Pt. 2. S143 — S162.
- Freese J. Preferences and the explanation of social behavior. Oxford Handbook of Analytic Sociology. Eds. P. Hedström and P. Bearman. 2009. P. 94-114.
- Currie J. Healthy, wealthy, and wise: socioeconomic status, poor health in childhood, and human capital development. Journal of Economic Literature, 2009. Vol. 47(1). P. 87-122.
- Huston A., Rosenkrantz S. Mothers’ time with infant and time in employment as predictors of mother–child relationships and children’s early development. Child Development. March-April 2005. Vol. 76. No 2. P. 467 — 482.
- Lundberg S. Sons, daughters, and parental behavior. Oxford Review of Economic Policy. 2005. Vol. 21(3). P. 340-356.
- Brooks-Gunn J., Han Wen-Jui, Waldfogel J. Maternal employment and child cognitive outcomes in the first three years of life: The NICHD study of early child care. Child Development. 2002. Vol. 73. No 4. P. 1052-1073.
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- Belley P., Lochner L. The Changing Role of Family Income and Ability in Determining Educational Achievement. NBER Working Paper. No W13527. 2007.