№ 4 (74) – 2016 (October – December)
Vorobyeva O.D., Rybakovsky L.L., Savinkov V.I. The main problems of the current migration policy of Russia…………………………………………………………………………..
Kuzmin A.I., Bedrina E.B., Tukhtarova E.Kh., Nosov A.A. Formation of labour migrants’ flows from Uzbekistan to Sverdlovsk oblast…………………………………………..
DmitrievaYu.V., Brazhnikov A.G. Evolution of migration processes in Great Britain……….
Rimashevskaya N.M., Dobrokhleb V.G. Dynamics of population structure in BRICS countries………………………………………………………………………………………...........
Rimashevskaya N.M., Kroshilin S.V., Medvedeva E.I. Regional ridge model for optimization of the education system………………………………………………………………
Shabunova A.A., Kalachikova O.N. Demographic capacity and fertility promotion………...
Antonov G.V., Laktyukhina E.G. Causes of divorce in modern Russia……………………...
Lokosov V.V., Ryumina E.V., Ulyanov V.V. Quality of population: connection with economic development of regions………………………………………………………………….
Nizova L.M., Danilova M.I. Social rehabilitation and integration of children with disabilities into society………………………………………………………………………………………........
Gertsberg L.Ya. Socio-economic aspects of preservation of the historical and cultural heritage……………………………………………………………………………………….............
Nozdrina N.I., Schneiderman I.M. Modern problems of rental housing development……………………………………………………………………………………….....
Dronov V.N., Makhrova O.N., Pechnikov A.S. Information inequality of districts in Ryazan oblast………………………………………………………………………………………...
Vinokurova N.A. Youth in science: motivations, views, life strategies………………………...
The second All-Russian scientific and practical conference Incomes, Expenditures and Savings of the Russian Population: Trends and Perspectives……………………….
Review of the books issued by ISESP RAS……………………………………………………
Summary in Russian………………………………………………………………………………..
Summary in Еnglish………………………………………………………………………………….
Contents of the journal Population in 2016……………………………………………………
The main problems of the current migration policy of Russia
Key words:external labour migration, illegal immigration, internal migration in Russia, resettlement of compatriots.
Abstract. The article considers the main problems of managing external labour migration that have not been settled by now: registration, obtaining the right to work. It also analyzes causes of the large-scale illegal labour migration, insufficient use of the internal labour mobility of population, unsatisfactory results of the implementation of the State Programme to Assist Voluntary Resettlement of Compatriots Living Abroad to the Russian Federation.
- Vorobyeva O.D. Migratsionnaya politika Rossii: noveyshaya istoriya i sovremennyye praktiki. Problemy migratsii naseleniya v sovremennoy Rossii [Migration Policy of Russia: Contemporary History and Modern Practices. Migration-Related Problems in Modern Russia]. Ed. V.V. Lokosov. Moscow. Econ-Inform. 2014.
- Problemy nezakonnoy migratsii v Rossii. Realii i poisk resheniy [Problems of Illegal Migration in Russia. Realities and Search for Solutions]. Moscow. Gandalf. 2004.
- Migratsionnyye protsessy v Rossii [Migration Processes in Russia]. Eds. V.V. Lokosov and L.L. Rybakovsky. Moscow. Econ-Inform. 2014.
- Tyuryukanova E.V. Trudovyye migranty v Moskve: «vtoroye» obshchestvo [Labour migrants in Moscow: the ‘second’ society]. Immigranty v Moskve [Immigrants in Moscow]. Ed. Zh.A. Zayonchkovskaya. Moscow. Kennan Institute. 2009.
Alexander I. KUZMIN, Elena B. BEDRINA, Evgenia Kh. TUKHTAROVA, Andrey A. NOSOV
Formation of labour migrants’ flows from Uzbekistan to Sverdlovsk oblast
Key words: migration, pull-factors, push-factors, foreign labour force, income.
Abstract. The authors of the article adhere to a relatively soft interpretation of the migration factors and propose to use the time-tested model of interpreting factors within the theoretical ‘pull-push’ concept. They provide estimation of the migration potential of the labour force movement from Uzbekistan to Russia experiencing a shortage of labour resources in the real sector of the economy.
The movement of labour from Uzbekistan to Russia exerts a dominant influence on the socio-demographic and migration situation in Central Asia in geopolitical and socio-economic aspects. The subject of investigation is macroeconomic analysis of the factors of migration exchange. It is of great interest in the analytical and prognostic respect.
- Öberg, S. Spatial and Economic Factors in Future South-North Migration. The Future Population of the World: What Can We Assume Today? W. Lutz (ed.). London. Earthscan. 1996.
- Zakonodatel'stvo stran SNG [Legislation of the CIS countries]. Available at: http://base.spinform.ru/show_doc.fwx?rgn=775 (Accessed: 1 April 2016).
- Mezhdunarodnyy statisticheskiy komitet SNG [International Statistical Committee of the Commonwealth of Independent States]. Available at: http://www.cisstat.com (Accessed: 2 February 2016).
- Salieva A.S., Fayzullayev M. Sotsial'no-ekonomicheskoye razvitiye Respubliki Uzbekistan za gody nezavisimosti [Socio-economic development of Uzbekistan in the years of independence]. Sotsial'no-ekonomicheskaya geografiya. Vestnik Assotsiatsii rossiyskikh geografov-obshchestvovedov[Socio-Economic Geography. Bulletin of the Association of Russian Geographers-Sociologists]. 2013. № 1 (2).
- Maksakova L. Uzbekistan v sisteme mezhdunarodnykh migratsiy [Uzbekistan in the system of international migration]. Demoscope. No. 415- 416. 22 March-4 April 2010.
- Bedrina E.B., Shabolina K.A. Motivy immigratsii v sovremennoy Rossii [Motives of immigration in modern Russia]. Demograficheskiy i migratsionnyy potentsial Urala: materialy kruglykh stolov III Ural'skogo demograficheskogo foruma s mezhdunarodnym uchastiyem [Demographic and Migration Potential of the Urals. Proceedings of round tables at III Ural demographic forum with international participation]. Ekaterinburg. Institute of Economics, RAS Ural Branch. 2012.
- Tendentsii sotsial'no — ekonomicheskogo razvitiya Uzbekistana[Trends of the Socio-Economic Development of Uzbekistan (2005 — 2014)]. Tashkent. IFMR. 2015.
- Borisov V. A. Perspektivy rozhdayemosti [The Prospects of Fertility]. Moscow. Statistika [Statistics]. 1976. P. 108.
- Vsesoyuznaya perepis' naseleniya 1959, 1970, 1979, 1989; Vserossiyskaya perepis' naseleniya 2002, 2010 gg. Natsional'nyy sostav naseleniya po regionam Rossii: Sverdlovskaya oblast' [All-Union population census of 1959, 1970, 1979, 1989; All-Russia population census of 2002, 2010. National composition of population by Russian regions: Sverdlovsk oblast]. Available at: http://demoscope.EN. (Accessed: 28 February 2016).
- Gendernaya statistika Uzbekistana [Gender statistics of Uzbekistan]. Available at: URL:http://gender.stat.uz/osnovnye-pokazateli (Accessed: 2 February 2016).
- Maksakova L., Mamadalieva F. Uzbekistan: sovremennyye demograficheskiye tendentsii [Uzbekistan: current demographic trends]. Demoscope. No. 617-618. 3-16 November 2014. Available at: http://demoscope.ru/weekly/2014/0617/index.php.
- Ryazantsev S.V., Krasinets E.S. Sovremennye tendencii i jekonomicheskie jeffekty trudovoj migracii iz Central'noj Azii v Rossiju [Current trends and economic effects of labour migration from Central Asia to Russia] Nauchnoe obozrenie. Serija 1. Jekonomika i pravo [Scientific Review. Series 1. Economics and Law]. 2016. No. 5. Р. 5-14.
- Ryazantsev S.V., Krasinets E.S. Podhody k regulirovaniju trudovoj migracii v Rossii i stranah-partnerah v interesah vzaimnogo razvitija [Approaches to regulation of labor migration in Russia and partner countries for mutual development]Nauchnoe obozrenie. Serija 2. Gumanitarnye nauki[Scientific Review. Series 2. Human Sciences]. 2015. № 4. P. 29-34
- Kuzmin A.I., Tukhtarova E.Kh., Isinbaeva E.A. Socio-demographic measuring of the relation between the life quality and the population reproduction rate in Russia and foreign countries on the basis of rating evaluations. Economy of Region. 2014. No. 4.
- Bezverbny V.А. Modelirovanie scenariev demograficheskogo razvitija Rossii do 2050 goda [Simulation scenario demographic development of Russian until 2050] Nauchnoe obozrenie. Serija 1. Jekonomika i pravo [Scientific Review. Series 1. Economics and Law]. 2015. No. 5. Р. 68-73.
Evolution of migration processes in Great Britain
Key words: Great Britain, evolution of migration processes, immigration, resettlement, population size.
Abstract. The article analyses evolution of migration changes in the territory of Great Britain (from the Roman period to the present time). It shows that migration processes took place at all stages of its historic development. It proves that up to the second half of the 20th century migration processes were the main source of population replenishment in Britain. Impact of the migration inflow affected mostly economy and culture. It has been established that the direct impact of migration on demographic changes should be attributed to the late 20th — early 21st century, when the intensity and scale of migration reached qualitatively new values.
- Hawkins O. Migration Statistics. 2015.
- Walvin J. Passage to Britain-Immigration in British History and Politics. Pelican Books. 1984.
- Salway P. Roman Britain — A Very Short Introduction. Oxford University Press. 2000.
- Henon D. The Origins of the Anglo-Saxons. 2006.
- Millett M. Roman Britain. London. 2006.
- Esmonde-Clearly. The Ending of Roman Britain. 1989.
- George’s Е.D. London Life in the Eighteenth Century. LSE. 1951.
- Jews in Britain: Origin and Growth of Anglo-Jewry. Council of Christians & Jews. 1943.
- File N., Power C. Black Settlers in Britain. 1555-1958. 1981.
- Roots of the Future: Ethnic Diversity in the Making of Britain. 1996.
- Black Presence: Asian and Black History in Britain, 1500-1850. The National Archives. Available at: http://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/pathways/blackhistory/intro/intro.htm.
- Dmitrieva Ju.V., Brazhnikov A.G. Dolgosrochnyj jeffekt migracii v priroste chislennosti naselenija Velikobritanii [The long-term effect of migration on the growth of the UK population] Nauchnoe obozrenie. Serija 1. Jekonomika i pravo [Scientific Review. Series 1. Economics and Law]. 2016. No. 2. Р. 30-34.
Dynamics of population structure in BRICS countries
Key words: socio-demographic evolution, depopulation, demographic transition, population structure, demographic ageing, civilizational approach.
Abstract. Russia has entered a phase of demographic evolution characterized by depopulation and intense process of demographic ageing. Following Russia, other CIS countries are entering this phase but in different forms. These trends are indicative of a deep civilizational crisis caused by the change of cycles and require interdisciplinary studies. The demographic component of the genotype of both society and civilization is triadic in nature, being at the intersection of nature, population and economy. Structure and dynamics of population are in many respects determining factors of social changes. At present, the most adequate are demographic indicators allowing us to see the direction of the ongoing changes: population reproduction, dynamics of life expectancy, survival and healthy life expectancy; constantly maintained ratio of the ethnic groups of population; share of extended families (with many children, multigenerational) in the family structure of society.
- Kuzyk B.K., Yakovets Yu.V. Tsivilizatsii: teoriya istoriya, dialog, budushcheye. [Civilizations: Theory, History, Dialogue, Future]. In 2 Vols. Vol. 1. Teoriya i istoriya tsivilizatsiy [The Theory and History of Civilizations]. Moscow. 2006. P. 366.
- World Population Prospects, the 2015 Revision. UNDESA Population Division. Available at: https://www.populationmatters.org/documents/world_population_prospects.pdf.
- Rybakovsky L.L., Rybakovsky O.L., Arkhangelsky V.N., Ivanova A.E. Demograficheskoye razvitiye Rossii v XXI veke [Demographic development of Russia in the 21st century]. Available at: http://rybakovsky.ru/demografia1a.html.
- Dobrokhleb V.G. Obuchajushhijsja vzroslyj v sfere nepreryvnogo obrazovanija v Rossii [Adult learner in the field of lifelong education in Russia] Nauchnoe obozrenie. Serija 2. Gumanitarnye nauki[Scientific Review. Series 2. Human Sciences]. 2016. № 5. P. 11-16.
- World Report on Health and Ageing. 2015. Available at: WHO/FWC/ALC/15.0.
- Dobrokhleb V.G. Nepreryvnoe obrazovanie v uslovijah demograficheskih izmenenij [Lifelong learning under the conditions of demographic changes] Nauchnoe obozrenie. Serija 1. Jekonomika i pravo [Scientific Review. Series 1. Economics and Law]. 2015. No. 4. Р. 19-25.
Regional ridge model for optimization of the education system
Key words: demographic processes, fertility, cohort analysis, education system, forecasting, econometric modeling.
Abstract. The current demographic situation in Russia is caused by changes in the age structure. This necessitates revision of the social strategies, including those in the system of education and training. On the basis of statistical data from several RF subjects the article presents the regional ridge model of the age structure of youth and children, developed by the authors, which makes it possible to forecast the impact of the present demographic dynamics on optimization of the education system.
- Rybakovsky L.L. Rezul'taty sovremennoy demograficheskoy politiki Rossii [Results of the modern Russian demographic policy]. Narodonaseleniye [Population]. 2014. No. 1. P. 4-5.
- Rybakovsky L.L., Khasayev G.R. Strategiya demograficheskogo razvitiya Rossii, ponyatiye i soderzhaniye [Strategy of the demographic development of Russia, the notion and contents]. Narodonaseleniye [Population]. 2015. No. 2. P. 59-60.
- Dobrokhleb V.G., Medvedeva E.I., Kroshilin S.V. Novyye podkhody k modelirovaniyu vozrastnoy dinamiki chislennosti detey i molodezhi [New approaches to modeling the age dynamics of the population of children and youth]. Ekonomicheskiy zhurnal [Economic Journal]. Moscow. Calligrapher. 2014. №3 (35). P. 30-37.
- Chislennost' postoyannogo naseleniya po vozrastam na 1 yanvarya po regionam. Federal'naya sluzhba gosudarstvennoy statistiki. Interaktivnaya vitrina. [Resident population by age as of 1 January by regions. Federal State Statistics Service. Interactive showcase]. Available at: http://cbsd.gks.ru/ (Accessed: 3 April 2016)
- Arkhangelsky V.N. Vosproizvodstvo naseleniya Rossii [Reproduction of the Russian population]. Moscow. Gardarika. 2000.
- Rimashevskaya N.M., Medvedeva E.I., Kroshilin S.V. Grebnevaya model' prognoza polovozrastnoy struktury detey i molodezhi [Ridge model for projections of the age-sex structure of children and youth]. Narodonaseleniye [Population]. 2014. No. 3. P. 57-68.
- Medvedeva E.I., Slabon E.V. Osobennosti prognozirovaniya demograficheskikh protsessov na osnove postroyeniya regional'noy grebnevoy modeli [Specifics of the forecasting of demographic processes on the basis of the regional ridge model]. Sotsial'no-ekonomicheskiy potentsial territoriy i perspektivy razvitiya: sbornik materialov mezhdunarodnoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii. Rossiya, Kolomna, 21 aprelya 2016 g. [Socio-Economic Potential of Territories and Prospects of Development. Proceedings of the international scientific and practical conference held in Kolomna on 21 April 2016]. Kolomna. Gosudarstvennyy sotsial'no-gumanitarnyy universitet [State University of Humanities and Social studies]. 2016. P. 229-237.
Demographic capacity and fertility promotion
Key words: fertility, reproductive behavior, demographic policy, promotion of fertility.
Abstract. The article considers birth rate dynamics in Russia for the past 15 years. It analyses the structural and behavioral factors of fertility. The number of women in reproductive age is declining, but the structure of this group is favourable in terms of reproduction. The share of the reproductively most active women giving 80% of all births was 47% in 2015. Calculations of Borisov’s hypothetical minimum of natural fertility show that there are reserves for fertility growth, but they are limited by reproductive behavior. The article presents the main outcomes of the monitoring reproductive capacity of the population of Vologda oblast showing prevalence of the few-children type of reproductive behavior. At the same time, changes in the attitude to the number of children confirm lability of population in relation to the demographic policy measures. It is found out that the most effective measures are solution of housing problem and support of women in the period of child care compensating for loss of their employment income.
- Antonov A.I., Borisov V.A. Lektsii po demografii [Lectures on Demography]. Moscow. 2011. 592 p.
- Kalachikova O.N., Gordievskaya A.N. Reproduktivnoye povedeniye naseleniya: opyt mnogoletnego monitoringa [Reproductive behavior of population: long-term monitoring experience]. Voprosy territorial'nogo razvitiya [Territorial Development Issues]. 2014. № 9. Available at: http://vtr.isert-ran.ru/?module=Articles&action=view&aid=4279.
- Kopeikina M.A. Ekonomiko-matematicheskoye modelirovaniye reproduktivnogo povedeniya naseleniya regiona [Economic and mathematical modeling of the reproductive behavior of the region’s population]. Ekonomicheskiye i sotsial'nyye peremeny v regione: fakty, tendentsii, prognoz [Economic and Social Changes in the Region: Facts, Trends, Forecast]. 2006. № 32. P. 56–63.
- Bodrova V.V. Reproduktivnoye povedeniye i reproduktivnyye prava naseleniya Rossii v perekhodnyy period [Reproductive behavior and reproductive rights of the population of Russia in the transition period]. Narodonaseleniye [Population]. 1999. № 2. P. 79–90.
- Pal’tseva T.V. Formirovaniye reproduktivnoy ustanovki [Formation of reproductive pattern]. Sem'ya v Rossii [Family in Russia]. 2004. № 4. P. 26–35.
- Andreev E.M., Bondarskaya G.A. Mozhno li ispol'zovat' dannyye ob ozhidayemom chisle detey v prognoze chislennosti naseleniya? [Can data on the expected number of children be applied in population forecast]? Voprosy Statistiki. 2000. № 11. P. 60
- Nechiporenko O.V. Stanovleniye mnogoukladnosti v agrarnoy sfere rossiyskogo obshchestva i evolyutsiya adaptatsionnykh strategiy sel'skogo naseleniya [Formation of multistructurality in the agrarian sphere of the Russian society and evolution of the adaptive strategies of the rural population]. Sotsiologiya i obshchestvo: global'nyye vyzovy i regional'noye razvitiye. Materialy IV Ocherednogo Vserossiyskogo sotsiologicheskogo kongressa [Sociology and Society: Global Challenges and Regional Development. Proceedings of the IV Regular All-Russian Sociological Congress]. Moscow. RSS. 2012. 1 CD ROM. P. 5124-5132.
- Patsiorkovsky V.V. Sel'sko-gorodskaya Rossiya [Rural and Urban Russia]. Moscow. ISEPN RAN [Institute of Socio-Economic Studies of Population RAS]. 2010. 390 p.
- Arkhangelsky V.N. Mneniya o «pomekhakh» k rozhdeniyu detey v sem'ye i o deystvitel'nykh trudnostyakh realizatsii zhelayemogo chisla detey [Opinions on the "obstacles" to birth of children in family and the real difficulties in having the desired number of children]. Demograficheskiye issledovaniya [Demographic Studies]. 2010. №3. Available at: http://www.demographia.ru/articles_N/index.html?idR=20&idArt=320#_ftnref5.
- Zvereva N.V., Arkhangelsky V.N. Predvaritel'nyye itogi i perspektivy sovremennoy politiki v oblasti rozhdayemosti v Rossii [Modern fertility policy in Russia: preliminary results and outlook]. Federalism. 2010. № 2 (58). Pp. 69-84.
- Kalachikova O.N. O prichinakh rosta rozhdayemosti naseleniya v period aktivizatsii demograficheskoy politiki Rossii (na primere Vologodskoy oblasti) [On the causes of the birth rate growth the in the period of intensification of the Russian demographic policy (the case of Vologda oblast)]. Problemy prognozirovaniya [Forecasting Issues]. 2013. № 5. P. 129–136.
Causes of divorce in modern Russia
Key words: institution of marriage, marriage rate and divorce rate, marital and family attitudes, marital and post-marital behavior, applied sociology
Abstract. The article presents results of the study of divorces and individual strategies of behavior after divorce in the present-day Russia. The relevance of the research problem is conditioned by the significantly poor conceptual and empirical elaboration of the post-divorce marital practices in Russia and of the remarriage market. It provides a review of the concepts of sociological studies of divorce and the results of a massive questionnaire survey of the residents in the city of Volgograd and in several districts of Volgograd oblast having experience of dissolution of the official marriage. There are given main socio-demographic characteristics of the subjects of remarriage market and quantitative characteristics of the post-divorce behavior. The article shows the decisive impact of subjective causes on the stability of marital relations and lack of the impact of objective factors, as well as rather strong orientation on remarriage.
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- Parsons T. Sistema sovremennykh obshchestv [The System of Modern Societies]. (in Russian). Moscow. Aspect Press. 1998. 270 p.
- Sinel'nikov A.B. Sotsial'no odobryayemyye prichiny razvoda v proshlom i nastoyashchem [Socially acceptable reasons for divorce in the past and present]. Sotsiologicheskiye issledovaniya [Sociological Studies]. 1992. No 2. P. 27–38.
Vyacheslav V. LOKOSOV, Elena V. RYUMINA, Vladimir V. ULYANOV
Quality of population: connection with economic development of regions
Key words: quality of population, qualitative characteristics of population, economic development, region, econometric analysis.
Abstract. Improvement of the quality of population is considered in the article as the main objective of the development of society together with the task of improvement of the quality of life. The authors substantiate the choice of the considered indicators of the population quality that is strongly limited by the available statistical information. The study is based on statistical data by 83 regions for the period of 2008-2013. There is conducted a cluster and regression analysis for the totality of regions. The obtained results made it possible to come to conclusions about the character of interrelation between the development of regional economy and the quality of population.
- Soboleva I.V. Chelovecheskiy potentsial rossiyskoy ekonomiki: problemy sokhraneniya i razvitiya [Human Potential of the Russian Economy: Problems of Maintenance and Development]. Moscow. Nauka. 2007. 202 p.
- Rimashevskaya N.M., Bochkareva V.K., Migranova L.A., Molchanova E.V., Toksanbaeva M.S. Chelovecheskiy potentsial rossiyskikh regionov [Human potential of Russian regions]. Narodonaseleniye [Population]. 2013. No 3. P. 82-141.
- Soboleva I.V. Problemy vosproizvodstva chelovecheskogo potentsiala v transformatsionnoy ekonomike [Problems of the Reproduction of Human Potential in Transformational Economy]. Moscow. IE RAN [Institute of Economy RAS]. 2006. 236 p.
- Rimashevskaya N.M. Kachestvennyy potentsial naseleniya Rossii: vzglyad v XXI vek [Qualitative potential of the Russian population: a look into the 21st century]. Problemy prognozirovaniya [Forecasting Issues]. 2001. No 3. P. 34-48.
- Rimashevskaya N.M., Migranova L.A., Toksanbaeva M.S. Chelovecheskiy i trudovoy potentsial rossiyskikh regionov [Human and labor potential of the Russian regions]. Narodonaseleniye [Population]. 2014. No 3. P. 106-119.
- Lokosov V.V., Ryumina E.V., Ulyanov V.V. Regional'naya differentsiatsiya pokazateley chelovecheskogo potentsiala [Regional differentiation of human potential indicators]. Ekonomika regiona [Economy of Region]. 2015. No 4. P. 185-196.
- Ryumina E.V. Ekologicheskie aspekty otsenki kachestva zhizni [Ecological aspects of assessment of the quality of life]. Ekonomika regiona [Economy of Region]. 2016. No 4. Р. 1113-1122.
- Regiony Rossii. Sotsial'no-ekonomicheskiye pokazateli[Regions of Russia. Socio-Economic Indicators]. Statistical handbook. Rosstat. Moscow. 2014. 900 p.
- Zdravookhraneniye v Rossii [Health Care in Russia]. 2015. Statistical handbook. Rosstat. Moscow. 2015. 174 p.
- Gosudarstvennyy doklad «O sostoyanii i ob okhrane okruzhayushchey sredy Rossiyskoy Federatsii v 2013 godu» [On the condition and protection of the environment in the Russian Federation in 2013. State report]. Moscow. MPR RF [R F Ministry of Natural Resources]. 2014. 463 p.
Lyudmila M. NIZOVA, Marina I. DANILOVA
Social rehabilitation and integration of children with disabilities into society
Key words: children with disabilities, inclusion, distance education, rehabilitation, integration.
Abstract. The article deals with the problem of social rehabilitation of children with disabilities at the regional level. On the basis of monitoring, sociological and expert survey there are identified the priorities and challenges for the leading forms of rehabilitation of disabled children: educational, professional, social and socio-cultural. It presents the experience of the Republic of Marij El in provision of: 1) social pedagogical services in correctional and general educational establishments; inclusive and distance education by adapted programmes; 2) social employment services for job placement of disabled people at the quota-based and newly created specialized jobs; 3) social cultural services with the use of hippotherapy, art therapy, bibliotherapy, etc. Taking into account the identified problems in the social rehabilitation of children with disabilities the authors present proposals for creation of additional conditions for their integration into society.
- Tkacheva V.V. Tekhnologii psikhologicheskogo izucheniya semey, vospityvayushchikh detey s otkloneniyami v razvitii [Technologies for psychological study of families having children with developmental disabilities]. Moscow. UMK «Psikhologiya» [Training and methodology complex ‘Psychology’]. 2006. 320 p.
- Nizova L.M. Sotsial'naya reabilitatsiya i integratsiya invalidov v obshchestvo (na mezoekonomicheskom urovne) [Social rehabilitation and integration of disabled people into society (at the microeconomic level)]. Yoshkar-Ola: Povolzhskiy gosudarstvennyy tekhnologicheskiy universitet [Volga State University of Technology]. 2015. 208 p.
- Putin V.V. Stroitel'stvo spravedlivosti. Sotsial'naya politika dlya Rossii [Construction of justice. Social policy for Russia]. Komsomolskaya Pravda. 2012.
- Alekhina S.V. FGOS dlya detey s ogranichennymi vozmozhnostyami zdorov'ya: trudnosti perekhoda [Federal state educational standard for children with disabilities: thetransition difficulties]. Obrazovatel'naya politika [Education Policy]. 2015. No. 3 (69). P. 88-89.
- Shvetsova G.N. Sistema vospitaniya i obucheniya detey s ogranichennymi vozmozhnostyami zdorov'ya v Respublike Mariy El [The system of upbringing and education of children with disabilities inthe Republic of Mari El]. Vserossiyskaya nauchno-prakticheskaya konferentsiya. [Proceedings of the All-Russian scientific and practical conference]. Yoshkar-Ola: Mariyskiy institut obrazovaniya [Mari Institute of Education]. 2016. 250 p.
- Mertsalova L.V. Sotsiokul'turnaya reabilitatsiya kak odno iz napravleniy sotsial'noy raboty [Sociocultural rehabilitation as one of the areas of social work]. Materialy I Mezhdunarodnoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii. Tom I[Proceedings of the international scientific and practical conference, Vol. I]. Novosibirsk. Novosibirskiy gosudarstvennyy tekhnicheskiy universitet [Novosibirsk State Technical University]. 2001. 363 p.
Socio-economic aspects of preservation of the historical and cultural heritage
Key words: economic effect, market of the historical and cultural heritage, thematic clusters, creative clusters, state-private partnership.
Abstract. The article deals with the issues of preservation of the historical and cultural heritage, it notes that under the conditions of the budgetary funding deficit it is necessary to attract more private investments, develop the market of valuable real estate. It proposes urgent measures necessary for development of the civilized market of valuable real estate and preservation of the heritage. It considers components of the social and economic effect of the heritage preservation: increasing taxable base, sale and leasing of the objects, development of tourism and related industries, etc. There are given example s of the formation of thematic clusters as a form of the state-private and municipal-private partnership in preservation of the heritage (Kolomna, Kazan, Moscow). In the conclusion there are proposed steps that should be taken at the state level for the purpose of preserving the historical and cultural heritage.
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Modern problems of rental housing development
Key words: housing provision, monetary income, affordability of housing, social and commercial forms of rental housing, mortgage lending, public-private partnership.
Abstract. The article considers the issues of housing provision of the Russian population. On the basis of the Rosstat data from the household budget surveys for 2014 the authors analyze the housing provision of households depending on the number of children under 16 and the level of per capita monetary income by decile groups. They examine the possibility of acquiring housing on the market for families with different levels of income, and substantiate the necessity of preferential development of the rental housing sector both in social and commercial forms. There is also analyzed the present experience in the creation of mechanisms for providing people with rental housing.
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Valery N. DRONOV, Olga N. MAKHROVA, Alexander S. PECHNIKOV
Information inequality of districts in Ryazan oblast
Key words: informatization, internet, population, region, digital divide, performance, district.
Abstract. The process of informatization is accompanied by emergence and deepening of the digital inequality of population. Digital divide intensifies the socio-economic stratification of society, restrains introduction of ICT into the sphere of public services and e-government, and consequently hampers development of the economy and improvement of the population quality of life. The causes of emergence and the measures for elimination of the digital divide depend on the specific socio-economic conditions: location, composition of the population, economic development of the region, human capital and income. Estimation of the digital inequality in the region will provide an opportunity for a more efficient informatization on the basis of quantitative indicators. The article deals with development of the methods for estimation of the digital inequality between the oblast districts.
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- Bestuzheva O.Yu., Vershinskaya O.N., Makhrova O.N. Razvitiye obshchestva tsifrovoy mobil'nosti [Development of the society of digital mobility]. Narodonaseleniye [Population]. 2014. No. 4.
- Gosudarstvennaya programma Rossiyskoy Federatsii «Informatsionnoye obshchestvo (2011 — 2020 gody)» [Information society (2011-2020). State programme of the Russian Federation]. Available at: http://base.garant.ru/199708/ #block_1000#ixzz3e4eMsYRh.
- Melyukhin I.S. Informatsionnoye obshchestvo i balans interesov gosudarstva i lichnosti [Information society and balance of the interests of the state and person]. Available at: http://emag.iis.ru/arc/infosoc/emag.nsf/BPA/23d97560ce093100 c32575bc002dfc6.
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- Dronov V.N., Makhrova O.N. Informatizatsiya naseleniya Ryazanskoy oblasti: sostoyaniye, problemy, perspektivy [Informatization of the population of Ryazan oblast: the condition, problems, prospects]. Proceedings of the international scientific and practical conference. Ryazan. 2013.
Youth in science: motivations, views, life strategies
Key words: young scholars, scientific adviser, motivations, views, lifestyles, adequate income, life strategies, tendency towards emigration.
Abstract. In recent years the number of young scholars has increased. The article presents findings of the study focused on several issues related to further life strategies of young scholars. It considers their motivations, views, expectations, lifestyles, their understanding of adequate, ‘normal’ income, tendency towards emigration. There is analyzed the role of scientific advisers. The author identifies and describes several types of the life strategies chosen by young people.
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Authors of the issue
ANTONOV Georgy Vyacheslavovich, Candidate of sociology, associate professor, Volgograd State University
E-mail: antonovgv@mail.ru
BEDRINA Elena Borisovna, Candidate of economics, senior researcher, Institute of Economics, RAS Ural Branch
E-mail: Bedrina1967@mail.ru
BRAZHNIKOV Alexander Gennadievich, postgraduate student, Institute of Socio-Economic Studies of Population, RAS
E-mail: 6409929@gmail.com
VINOKUROVA Natalia Anatolievna, Candidate of economics, senior researcher, Central Economics and Mathematics Institute, RAS
E-mail: vinokurova@yandex.ru
VOROBYEVA Olga Dmitrievna, Doctor of economics, Professor, Head of Center, Moscow Psychological and Social University
Е-mail: 89166130069@mail.ru
GERTSBERG Lora Yakovlevna, Doctor of technical sciences, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Architecture and Construction Sciences, Head of educational center, Central Research and Project Institute at the RF Ministry of Construction, Housing and Utilities
E-mail: lgertz24@mail.ru
DANILOVA Marina Ivanovna, Master’s degree student, Volga State Technological University
E-mail: nizova@yandex.ru
DMITRIEVA Yulia Viktorovna, Doctor of economics, leading researcher, Institute of Socio-Economic Studies of Population, RAS
E-mail: julia9770@mail.ru
DOBROKHLEB Valentina Grigorievna, Doctor of economics, Professor, chief researcher, Institute of Socio-Economic Studies of Population, RAS
E-mail: vdobrokhleb@mail.ru
DRONOV Valery Nikolayevich, Candidate of economics, Head of department, Ryazan Institute of Economics, Sankt-Petersburg
Academic University
E-mail: v.dronov@ spbame.ru
KALACHIKOVA Olga Nikolayevna, Candidate of economics, Head of laboratory, Institute of Socio-Economic Development of Territories, RAS
E-mail: оnk82@yandex.ru
KROSHILIN Sergey Viktorovich, Candidate of technical sciences, senior researcher, Institute of Socio-Economic Studies of Population, RAS
E-mail: krosh_sergey@mail.ru
KUZMIN Alexander Ivanovich, Doctor of sociology, leading researcher, Institute of Economics, RAS Ural Branch
E-mail: kuz53@list.ru
LAKTYUKHINA Elena Gennadievna, Candidate of sociology, Volgograd State University
LOKOSOV Vyacheslav Veniaminovich, Doctor of sociology, Professor, Director, Institute of Socio-Economic Studies of Population, RAS
E-mail: info@isesp-ras.ru
MAKHROVA Olga Nikolayevna, Academic secretary, Institute of Socio-Economic Studies of Population, RAS
E-mail: olni27@mail.ru
MEDVEDEVA Elena Il’yinichna, Doctor of economics, senior researcher, Institute of Socio-Economic Studies of Population, RAS
E-mail: e_lenam@mail.ru
NIZOVA Lyudmila Mikhailovna, Doctor of economics, Professor, Volga State Technological University
E-mail: nizova@yandex.ru
NOZDRINA Nadezhda Nikolayevna, Candidate of economics, leading researcher, Institute of Socio-Economic Studies of Population RAS
E-mail: nnozd@yandex.ru
NOSOV Andrey Alexandrovich, economist, Institute of Economics, RAS Ural Branch
PECHNIKOV Alexander Sergeyevich, postgraduate student, Sankt-Petersburg Academic University
Е-mail: cfic34@yandex.ru
RIMASHEVSKAYA Natalia Mikhailovna, RAS Corresponding Member, Doctor of economics, RAS Adviser, Institute of Socio-Economic Studies of Population RAS; researcher, Nizhny Novgorod State University — Institute of Socio-Economic Studies of Population RAS joint laboratory
E-mail: isesp-ras@yandex.ru
RYBAKOVSKY Leonid Leonidovich, Doctor of economics, Professor, chief researcher, Institute of Socio-Political Research, RAS
E-mail: 1284781@mail.ru
RYUMINA Elena Viktorovna, Doctor of economics, Professor, chief researcher, Institute of Socio-Economic Studies of Population, RAS
E-mail: ryum50@mail.ru
SAVINKOV Vladimir Il’ich, Doctor of sociology, leading advisor, Council of Federation Committee
E-mail: VISavinkov@senat.gov.ru
TUKHTAROVA Evgenia Khasanovna, leading economist, Institute of Economics, RAS Ural Branch
E-mail: tyevgeniya@yandex.ru
ULYANOV Vladimir Vasilyevich, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical sciences, chief researcher, Institute of Socio-Economic Studies of Population, RAS
E-mail: vulyanov@hse.ru
SHABUNOVA Alexandra Anatolievna, Doctor of economics, Acting Director, Institute of Socio-Economic Development of Territories, RAS
E-mail: aas@vscc.ac.ru
SCHNEIDERMAN Inna Mikhailovna, Candidate of economics, Head of laboratory, Institute of Socio-Economic Studies of Population, RAS
E-mail: schneiderman@isesp-ras.ru