№ 3 (73) – 2016 (July – September)
Rybakovsky L.L. Classification of migration: base and taxons……………………………
Rimashevskaya N.M, Migranova L.L. Socio-economic inequality in Russia…………..
Rusanova N.E., Gordeeva V.L. Assisted reproductive technologies: requirements and regulation at a low birth rate……………………………………………………………..
Gavrikov V.L., Mazharov V.F., Rubleva M.E., Khlebopros R.G. Intraregional demographic response to the socio-economic transformations…………...
Sokolov A.A. Spatial population changes in the steppe zone……………………………
Toksanbaeva M.S. Professional and qualification mobility of employees in the Moscow small business……………………………………………………………………….
Malysheva M.M. Natural and technical sciences for women in the 21st century……….
Ivashinenko N.N., Teodorovich M.L. Social technologies in poverty reduction
in Russia: from internal factors to external challenges……………………………………..
Vagin V.V. Initiative budgeting and quality of life…………………………………………..
Zherebin V.M., Vershinskaya O.N., Ermakova N.A. Information resources of
the daily life of population……………………………………………………………………..
Kulikova A.V., Mikhailova V.V. Education and quality of life…………………………….
Boldysheva N.O., Golovchin M.A. Social well-being of teachers and their
attitude to the reform of education……………………………………………………………
Summary in Russian ………………………………………………………………………………..
Summary in Еnglish………………………………………………………………………………….
Classification of migration: base and taxons
Key words: migration, criterion, taxon, type, species, form, classification.
Abstract. On the basis of the analysis of mostly domestic works there are identified the criteria that were used in the Soviet years and are currently applied in the classification of population migration. It is shown that some of these criteria as subjective constructions are not suitable for distribution of the manifold migration by various taxons. Some of the used criteria are not criteria at all. The author substantiates using for the purpose of classification six main criteria that have an objective basis. Among them are: crossing state or administrative borders, migration between settlements of different status, etc. The paper gives a critical assessment of the taxons used for breaking down the migration manifestations, it shows that the taxon best suited for differentiation of migration are type, shape and form. In the final part of the article there is a table with an approximate breakdown of the manifestations of migration for various reasons, indicating to what taxons may be attributed certain manifestations.
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Socio-economic differentiation in Russia
Key words: monetary and total income of households, wage, social transfers, household composition, income differentiation.
Abstract. The problem of population differentiation by levels of per capita monetary income has become particularly urgent with the transition of Russia to a market economy. The article presents the dynamics of income differentiation of households for about 50 years, beginning from 1967. The source of information was the state statistics. The article also analyses the main factors of formation of the socio-economic inequality of Russian households: levels and differentiation in wages, social transfers, composition and size of families. The authors show that the official statistical data on differentiation of monetary income of the RF households for the past 25 years published by Rosstat do not correspond to the actually existing inequality. Similar conclusions were made by a number of research institutions in the 1990s and early 2000s. According to Rosstat data, in 2015 the funds coefficient of the monetary income differentiation of families in the Russian Federation was 15.5, that is not high for such a country as Russia with its variety of the natural and climatic conditions. The authors believe that the actual inequality is much higher — it is at least 1,5 times more than the officially published data.
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Rusanova N.E., Gordeeva V.L.
Assisted reproductive technologies: requirements and regulation at a low birth rate
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Interregional demographic response to the socio-economic transformations
Key words: Krasnoyarsk kray, demography, life expectancy, specific birth rate, fertility, municipal units.
Abstract. The article examines the demographic situation in Krasnoyarsk kray over the period of 1993-2013. The demographic processes were studied using linear regression between life expectancy and fertility of women with weighted demographic indicators. It was found out that at the time of the socio-economic transformations of 1990s — 2000s Krasnoyarsk kray followed the global trend characterized by an inverse relationship between life expectancy and fertility. It was revealed that significant dependence between the demographic indicators under investigation may be broken and restored in the process of adaptation to the new conditions of life both in urban and rural municipal units.
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Alexander A. SOKOLOV
Spatial population changes in the Russian steppe zone
Key words: steppe, demographic dynamics, territories, urban and rural population.
Abstract. The article presents analysis of the regional specifics in population size changes by municipal regions and city districts in the steppe zone. In the course of study were identified important factors of the spatial differentiation in population size. It was found that large cities and adjacent territories are the areas with outrunning population growth, while over half of the steppe zone residents live in the regions with reducing population. The existing demographic situation furthers formation of demographic crisis zones on most part of the territory. The obtained results can be used in elaboration of various aspects of the socio-demographic policy of the RF subjects located in the steppe zone. The research was based on statistical data for 2010-2015 by 661 municipal units in the steppe zone of Russia.
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Professional and qualification mobility of employees in the Moscow small business
Key words: small business, employment, professional and qualification mobility, work-related security of population, professional skills.
Abstract. The employment in small business tends to growth, and the relatively high professional and qualification mobility of the employed contributes to growing problems with their social security in the field of professional competence. These problems were examined in a survey of the employed in small business carried out in Moscow. The survey revealed two main problems in labour mobility. The first one — descending qualification mobility of every fourth employee connected with change of occupation that leads to loss of professional skills and social status. The second problem concerns unsatisfied want for professional development that is characteristic of most employees. Only less than one third of the employees find this want satisfied to some extent. The causes of both problems root in the character of the Russian small business. First, lower professional skills than in large and medium business. Second, neither employers nor employees have necessary funds for training.
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Natural and technical sciences for women in the 21 century
Keywords: natural sciences and technical disciplines, women’s career, leadership, motivation, MINT and STEM training programmes, fellowships and foundations for women.
Abstract. The paper provides information on the main national scientific and educational programmes in the USA, Germany and Great Britain, which are aimed at raising competencies and qualifications among women in technical and natural sciences. It gives data on the performance of these programmes showing their high efficiency for development of women’s intellectual potential. There is expressed concern about the increasing applied aspects of scientific knowledge and their introduction into business. The author makes a conclusion about the necessity to develop similar programmes for women in Russian with the purpose of raising competitiveness of the Russian economy.
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Social technologies in poverty reduction in Russia: from internal factors to external challenges
Key words: external risks of poverty, poverty as social problem, participatory approach, international conflict of market interests.
Abstract. Methodologically poverty research has gone a considerable way from the problem-oriented approach to a participatory paradigm. Problem-oriented methods emerged as a response to the requirements of the transformation period in Russia concerning tactical decisions in the sphere of social management. Participatory approach including all most effective international practices provides the basis of long-term research projects for development of strategies for overcoming poverty. The second turning point in poverty research, besides changing the paradigm, was shifting the focus of risk assessment from internal factors to external ones. At present an important role in the dynamics of poverty risks is played by international conflicts and growing public awareness of the cross-country competition between the quality of life models. The authors consider proactive approach that implies changing the reaction to the current events, as the basis for external poverty risks hedging in local communities.
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Vladimir V.VAGIN
Social effects of initiative budgeting and population quality of life
Key words: participatory budgeting, initiative budgeting, local communities, citizen participation, effects.
Abstract. The initiatives of local communities aimed at improvement of the social infrastructure of settlements are an important resource for raising the quality of life. Awareness of this fact has led to formation of the global trend characterized by involvement of citizens in the decision-making process in the sphere of urban and settlement planning and development, management, solving budgetary matters. Russia has gained a considerable experience in implementation of initiative budgeting projects, formed a variety of practices and design centers. Solving local problems in initiative budgeting is accompanied by a number of additional economic, administrative and social effects. This phenomenon is considered in the article.
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Information resources of the daily life of population
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Social well-being of teachers and their attitude to the reform of education
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Education and quality of life of families
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Authors of the issue
BOLDYSHEVA Natalia Olegovna, Candidate of Economics, leading researcher, Institute of Socio-Economic Studies of Population RAS
E-mail: nboldysheva@mail.ru
VAGIN Vladimir Vladimirovich, Candidate of Philosophy, Head of the Center for Initiative Budgeting, RF Ministry of Finance
E-mail: vvaginster@gmail.com
VERSHINSKAYA Olga Nikolayevna, Doctor of Economics, Head of Laboratory, Institute of Socio-Economic Studies of Population RAS
E-mail: vershinskaya@mail.ru
GAVRIKOV Vladimir Leonidovich, Candidate of Biology, senior researcher, Siberian Federal University
E-mail: gavrikov-58@mail.ru
GOLOVCHIN Maxim Alexandrovich, Candidate of Economics, Rеsеarcher, Institute of Socio-Economic Development of Territories RAS
E-mail: mag82@mail.ru
GORDEEVA Viktoria Leonidovna, Candidate of Medical Science, Chief Physician of the Center for Infertility Treatment EKO
E-mail: vgordeeva@inbox.ru
ERMAKOVA Nina Alexeyevna, Candidate of Economics, senior researcher, Institute of Socio-Economic Studies of Population RAS
E-mail: ermakova301032@mail.ru
ZHEREBIN Vsevolod Mikhailovich, Doctor of Economics, chief researcher, Institute of Socio-Economic Studies of Population RAS
E-mail: ivir22@yandex.ru
IVASHINENKO Nina Nikolayevna, Doctor of Economics, Head of Chair, Nizhny Novgorod State University; Head of Laboratory, Nizhny Novgorod State University — Institute of Socio-Economic Studies of Population RAS joint laboratory
E-mail: ivni@mail.ru
KULIKOVA Alexandra Vladimirovna, Candidate of Sociology, Associate Professor, Nizhny Novgorod State University, researcher, Nizhny Novgorod State University — Institute of Socio-Economic Studies of Population RAS joint laboratory
E-mail: kulikova-alex@yandex.ru
MAZHAROV Vladimir Fedorovich, Doctor of Medical Science, Prof., Head of Laboratory, Research Institute for Complex Problems of Hygiene and Occupational Diseases, RAS Siberian Branch; Krasnoyarsk State Medical University
E-mail: majarov@inbox.ru
MALYSHEVA Marina Mikhailovna, Doctor of Economics, leading researcher, Institute of Socio-Economic Studies of Population RAS
E-mail: malysheva-08@mail.ru
MIGRANOVA Lyudmila Alexeyevna, Candidate of Economics, chief researcher, Institute of Socio-Economic Studies of Population RAS; leading researcher, Nizhny Novgorod State University — Institute of Socio-Economic Studies of Population RAS joint laboratory
E-mail: lmigranova@mail.ru
MIKHAILOVA Veronika Valerievna, Candidate of Sociology, lecturer, Nizhny Novgorod State University, researcher, Nizhny Novgorod State University — Institute of Socio-Economic Studies of Population RAS joint laboratory
E-mail: mihaylova.v.v@yandex.ru
RIMASHEVSKAYA Natalia Mikhailovna, Doctor of Economics, RAS Corresponding Member, RAS Adviser, Institute of Socio-Economic Studies of Population RAS; researcher, Nizhny Novgorod State University — Institute of Socio-Economic Studies of Population RAS joint laboratory
E-mail: isesp-ras@yandex.ru
RUBLEVA Marina Evgenievna, student, Siberian Federal University
E-mail: marishka_6500@mail.ru
RUSANOVA Nina Evgenievna, Doctor of Economics,leading researcher, Institute of Socio-Economic Studies of Population RAS
E-mail: ner238@rambler.ru
RYBAKOVSKY Leonid Leonidovich, Doctor of Economics,chef researcher, Institute of Socio-Economic Studies of Population RAS
SOKOLOV Alexander Andreyevich, Candidate of Geography, researcher, Institute of Steppe, RAS Ural Branch
E-mail: SokolovAA@rambler.ru
ТEODOROVICH Mikhail Leonidovich, Doctor of Sociology, Professor, Nizhny Novgorod State University; leading researcher, Nizhny Novgorod State University — Institute of Socio-Economic Studies of Population RAS joint laboratory
E-mail: mt231@yandex.ru
TOKSANBAEVA Mairash Seitkazyevna, Doctor of Economics, Head of Laboratory, Institute of Socio-Economic Studies of Population RAS
E-mail: matoksan@mail.ru
KHLEBOPROS Rem Grigorievich, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Prof., Siberian Federal University; Chief Executive Officer, International Research Center for Extreme Human Conditions, Krasnoyarsk Research Center, RAS Siberian Branch
E-mail: olikru@yandex.ru