Русский English
Issue 2-2016

№ 2 (72) – 2016 (April – June)





Solovyev A.K. Pensioning age as a regulator of the state pension obligations……………..







Gertsberg L.Ya., Budilova E.V. Ecovillage as a perspective form……………………………


Burdyak A.Ya., Tyndik A.O. Social status of the disabled: the problem of







Alikperova N.V. Topical issues of financing small business……………………………………






Rimashevskaya N.M., Malysheva M.M., Morozova T.V., Pisklakova-Parker M.P. Gender attitudes and domestic violence in young families: the case of Karelia………………


Bazileva I.I. Impact of human capital on labour efficiency and company

adaptability to changes………………………………………………………………………………






Dobrokhleb V.G., Guzanova A.K. Urban population and family in modern Russia…………


Ivashinenko N.N., Migranova L.A. Dynamics of monetary incomes of population in municipal units………………………………………………………………………………………..


Varyzgina A.A. Strategies for overcoming poverty in families with children………………….


Alexandrova O.A., Voloshina T.N., Nenakhova Yu.S.  School and vocational education in a typical Russian city……………………………………………………………………………...


Malysheva M.M., Rusanova N.E., Varyzgina A.A. Health of population and its determining factors…………………………………………………………………………………..


‘We are’ (interview with a participant of the project Taganrog2014)……………………….






Theses defense……………………………………………………………………………………..


Moscow Economic Forum. Conference From Quality of Life to

Quality of Population………………………………………………………………………………


Presentation of the monograph The Present and the Future of Family in the Changing World……………………………………………………………………………………..


The 70th Issue of the Journal 70 Steps in Development (Sitting dedicated to the journal Population) ………………………………………………………………………………...






Summary in Russian ………………………………………………………………………………..


Summary in Еnglish………………………………………………………………………………….




Pensioning age as a regulator of the state pension obligations

Key words: pensioners, life expectancy, pensioning age, demography, insurance pension.

Abstract. Social spending (on pension provision, health care, education, social assistance, etc.) makes up a quarter of the budget expenditures, and the main place is given to pension obligations. Therefore, pensioning age becomes actually one of the budget-forming parameters in the process of strategic planning and forecasting in our country. Under the conditions of the aggravating systemic fiscal crisis, the most socially important issue of raising the pensioning age is more and more actively discussed as the essential instrument for overcoming the ‘fiscal crisis’ and the cornerstone of longstanding stability of the state pension system, thus puting to the background dollar rate, oil price, and other important macroeconomic parameters. The article analyses the consequences of raising the pensioning age for further development of the national pension system, examines the impact of this measure on budget savings, and provides reasonable actuarial calculations of measures for stabilization of the financial condition of the pension system in the long term.




  1. Doklad Vsemirnogo banka «Perevernutaya piramida: sistemy pensionnogo obespecheniya pered litsom demograficheskikh problem v stranakh Yevropy i tsentral'noy Azii» [Inverted Pyramid: the Pension System in the Face of Demographic Challenges inEurope and Central Asia. World Bank report]. 2011.
  2. Doklad Vsemirnogo banka «Reforma sistemy pensionnogo obespecheniya v Rossii: struktura i realizatsiya» [Reform of the Pension System in Russia: Structure and Implementation. World Bank report]. 2008.
  3. Doklad MVF postrane № 13/310. Rossiyskaya Federatsiya. Konsul'tatsii 2013 goda v sootvetstvii so stat'yey IV soglasheniya MVF [IMF Country Report № 13/310. Russian Federation. Consultations of2013 in accordance with Article IV of the IMF Agreement].
  4. Kudrin A., Gurvich E. Stareniye naseleniya i ugroza byudzhetnogo krizisa [The aging population and the threat of a fiscal crisis].Voprosy ekonomiki [Economic Issues]. 2012. № 3.
  5. Strategiya — 2020: Novaya model' rosta — novaya sotsial'naya politika. Itogovyy doklad o rezul'tatakh ekspertnoy raboty po aktual'nym problemam sotsial'no-ekonomicheskoy strategii Rossii na period do 2020 goda [Strategy 2020: New Growth Model New Social Policy. The final report on the results of expert work on the topical issues of the socio-economic strategy of Russia for the period up to 2020]. Book 1. Eds. V.A. Mau, Ya.I. Kuzminov. Moscow. Delo. RANKhiGS [RANEPA]. 2013. 430 p.
  6. Solovyev A.K. Aktuarnyy analiz usloviy izmeneniya pensionnogo vozrasta [Actuarial analysis of the conditions of retirement age changes]. Finansy [Finances].2015. № 12. P. 42-47.
  7. Solovyev A.K., Dontsova S.A. Aktuarnoye modelirovaniye izmeneniya pensionnogo vozrasta v Rossii na osnove dolgosrochnogo makroprognoza [Actuarial modeling of changes in the retirement age in Russia on the basis of long-term macroeconomic forecast].Ekonomist[Economist]. 2015. №12. P. 14-30.
  8. Solovyev A.K. Pensionnaya reforma: illyuzii i real'nost' (uchebnoye posobiye) [Pension reform: Illusions and Reality. Manual]. Moscow. Prospekt [Prospectus]. 2014. P. 296 р.
  9. Analiticheskiy doklad «Itogi pensionnoy reformy i dolgosrochnyye perspektivy razvitiya pensionnoy sistemy RF s uchetom vliyaniya mirovogo finansovogo krizisa». [Results of the Pension Reform and Long-term Prospects of the Pension System of theRussian Federation in View of the Global Financial Crisis. Analytical report]. MZSR. 2012.
  10. Strategiya dolgosrochnogo razvitiya pensionnoy sistemy Rossiyskoy Federatsii». Utverzhdena rasporyazheniyem pravitel'stva RF ot 25.12.2012 N 2524-r [Strategy for Long-term Development of the Pension System of the Russian Federation. Approved by the RF Government Decree of 25 December 2012 No 2524-r].



Ecovillages as a perspective form

Key words: ecovillages, organic product, territorial planning, innovative type of settlement.

Abstract. The article gives a short history of the ecovillages’ emergence, notes increasing scientific interest that shows itself in the growing number of publications on various aspects of their creation and functioning. Ecovillages are one of the forms of village revival, their number is increasing in all regions of the country. Owing to a clear trend of rising organic goods consumption, business shows growing interest in their production. Ecovillages are classified according totheir founders and motivation for their creation. A special consideration is given to management issues. It is noted that to ensure a sustainable development of ecovillages, their compact arrangement is necessary. Ecovillages belong to an innovative type of settlements of the post-industrial period.


Bibliography and Internet sources


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Aleksandra Ya. BURDYAK, Alla O. TYNDIK

Social status of the disabled: the problem of loneliness

Key words: disability, loneliness, Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, sociological data.

Abstract. Russia’s ratification of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities serves as a starting point of the research presented in this article. According to the Convention principles, the authors define disabled persons not as recipients of relevant pensions only, but as persons experiencing serious limitations in their daily and social life. The article addresses the problem of loneliness, revealing vulnerability of the social position of the disabled. On the basis of the Census data and the outcomes of a sample survey of the disabled the authors show a high prevalence of their living alone and lack of social ties. These and other factors of their feeling lonely are estimated by logistic regression model. The authors come to a conclusion that loneliness affects respondents’ assessment of their own health, thereby increasing the risk of experiencing difficulties in daily activities.


Bibliography and Internet sources


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  15. Saponov D.I., Smol'kin A.A. Social'najaekskljuzijapozhilyh: k razrabotkemodeliizmerenija [Social Exclusion of Retired Persons: Towards Elaboration of the Model of Measurement]. Monitoring obshhestvennogomnenija [The Monitoring of Public Opinion: Economic and Social Changes Journal]. 2012. No 5. P. 83-94.



Topical issues of financing small business

Key words: small enterprises, small business, crediting, financial support, banks, financial institutions, credits, employment.

Abstract. The article highlights the issues of financial support of small enterprises in modern Russia, analyses the current programmes for small business crediting by various financial institutions. The problems of crediting small and medium-size business in our country have been unresolved for a long period of time. They were always an obstacle to successful development of this business being hampered by lack of funds. Analysis of the trends on the market of small business crediting showed major problems connected with reduction of lending opportunities, low availability of credits, high interest rates, strict requirements of banks to borrowers, etc. It provided conclusions for further decisions to improve the business climate in our country and in regions in particular.


Bibliography and Internet sources


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Gender attitudes and domestic violence in young families: the case of Karelia

Key words: domestic violence, young families, distribution of household responsibilities, economic dependence, victims and causes of violence, punishment of children, knowledge of laws, evaluation of institutions countering violence, consequences of violence.

Abstract. This article is a sequel to publication of the results of the sociological survey The Issue of Forming New Models of Family Relationships in the North-West Russia (Karelia) held in November 2014 by the Institute of Socio-Economic Studies of Population RAS and the Institute of Economics of the Karelian Research Center RAS. The first results presented in the journal Population No 1, 2016 provided data on gender attitudes, role behavior and conflicts between spouses in households consisting of persons aged 18-64. This article is focused on young families (with one of the spouses aged under 35) and aimed at identifying the difference between the gender attitudes and relationships of the younger and the older generation. Comparison of a series of indicators shows changes in women’s attitude to their professional career, scale of their economic dependence, trends in distribution of domestic labour. The article examines recurrence of the basic forms of domestic violence and views of the generations about punishment of children. It shows poor knowledge of legislations and lack of trust in institutional structures responsible for domestic violence prevention. In the conclusion there is a detailed analysis of the violence consequences and evaluation of the practical relevance of research on this issue.




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  4. Pisklakova-Parker М.P. Nasiliye v sem'ye: sistema profilaktiki, preodoleniya i regulirovaniya (sotsiologicheskiy analiz). Dissertatsiya na soiskaniye uchenoy stepeni kandidata sotsiologicheskikh nauk — RANKHiGS [Violence in family: system of prevention, regulation and overcoming (sociological analysis). PhD thesis in sociology. RANEPA]. 2014.
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Impact of human capital on labour efficiency and company adaptability to changes

Key words: labour efficiency, human capital, communication maturity model, employees’ engagement, internal communications, organizational culture.

Abstract. The article analyses results of the expert assessment of the situation in companies in Kaluga oblast on the basis of the communication maturity model developed by the author.It evaluates the development level of the key communication factors impacting efficiency of employees’ labour.Communication maturity model includes the following six components: management governance of internal communications, communication transparency, feedback and lateral communications, level of the open door policy, level of empowerment, system of continuous education and development of employees’ competencies.

             It shows that the highest maturity levels are typical for Russian companies in the finance and services sectors, as well as international manufacturing companies. The lowest maturity levels are characteristic of Russian manufacturing and tradecompanies. The article evaluates the development level of every component of the model. The least developed components are empowerment and corporate culture, the most developed component is management and governance.




  1. Rimashevskaya N.M., Dobrokhleb V.G. Effektivnost' chelovecheskogo potentsiala v novoy ekonomike [Efficiency of human capital in the ‘new’ economy]. Narodonaselenie [Population]. 2010. No 2. P. 10-18
  2. Korchagin А.Yu. . Rossiyskiy chelovecheskiy kapital: faktor razvitiya ili degradatsii? Monografiya [Russian Human Capital: Development or Degradation Factor?] Voronezh. CIRE. 2005. 122 p.
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  6. Capitalization on Effective Communications. How courage, innovation and discipline drive business results in challenging times. Communications ROI Study Report 2009 /2010. Watson Wyatt Worldwide. 33 p.
  7. Bazileva I.I. Razvitiye integrirovannogo kommunikatsionnogo prostranstva kompanii kak faktor povysheniya effektivnosti truda. Model' kommunikatsionnoy zrelosti kompanii[Integrated communication environment as a corporate driver of labor efficiency and productivity. Analysis of the communication maturity model]. Menedzhment i biznes administrirovaniye [Management and Business Administration]. 2015. No 4. P. 174 -192.
  8. VolkswagengroupRus 40. Informatsionnyy portal sotrudnikov zavoda [Information portal of the plant employees]. 02.02.2012. Available at: (Accessed: 6 April 2016).
  9. Cancialosi С. Build a Culture of Trust: Sharing Financials With Your Team. Forbes/Entrepreneurs. 27 July 2015.
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  13. Global Human Capital Trends 2014. Engaging a 21-st century workforce. Deloitte University Press. 2014. 150 p.



Urban population and family in modern Russia

Key words: demographic dynamics, population structure, family, household, population reproduction.

Abstract. The article presents demographic dynamics of Russian big cities, and among them Taganrog. Analysis of the data exposed the processes of continuous reduction in the population size and increase in population ageing. The increasing fertility rates observed in the past years do not surpassmortality rates. There are examined modern trends of changes in household demographic structure: growth of the share of single-person households, reduction of the share of households with minor children, omination of unigeniture. There is analyzed the impact of migration processes on the demographic structure of the city. The author comes to a conclusion about the necessity of awell-reasoned social policy. Only successful family with high level of human and social capital can be the basis of sustainable development.




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  8. Zhenshchina, muzhchina, sem'ya v Rossii: poslednyaya tret' XX veka. Proyekt «Taganrog» [Woman, Man, Family in Russia: the Last Third of the 20th Century. Project ‘Taganrog’]. Ed. N.M. Rimashevskaya. Moscow. ISEPN RAN [Institute of Socio-Economic Studies of Population RAS]. 2001. 320 p.
  9. Dobrokhleb V.G. «Tri napravleniya sovershenstvovaniya demograficheskoy i semeynoy politiki v sovremennoy Rossii [Directions of socio-economic modernization under the conditions of population ageing]. Narodonaseleniye [Population]. 2012. No 2. P. 12-23.
  10. Dobrokhleb V.G., Yanchuk Yu.N. Izmeneniye posemeynoy struktury naseleniya i rol' gosudarstva v formirovanii sotsial'no-demograficheskoy politiki [Changes in the family structure of population and the role of state in formation of socio-demographic policy]. Nauchnoye obozreniye. Seriya 2. Gumanitarnyye nauki [Scientific Review. Series 2. The Humanities]. 2012. No 3-4. P. 41-45.
  11. Chelovecheskoye razvitiye v usloviyakh spada ekonomiki. Doklad o chelovecheskom razvitii v Rossiyskoy Federatsii za 2015 god [Human Development under the Conditions of Economic Decline. Human Development Report 2015. Russian Federation]. Eds. Grigoriev S.N., Bobylev S.N. Moscow. Analytical Center under the RF Government. 2015. Available at: (Accessed: 20 December 2015).



Dynamics of monetary incomes of population in municipal units

Key words: per capita money income, structure, differentiation, socio-demographic structure of households.

Abstract. The article presents dynamics in the levels, structure and differentiation of the population money income in the city of Taganrog. The information base was formed on the data from sample household surveys of city residents carried out in 2000 and 2014. Socio-economic and demographic factors impacting the dynamics of population income are given a close consideration. The analysis was performed by groups with different per capita income levels. There were identified five groups of households — from poor (with family income below the subsistence minimum) to relatively well-off (with family income above 4 subsistence minimums). There is also shown the difference in the levels of per capita money income of families of different demographic types and families’ self-assessment of their well-being.




  1. Zhenshchina, muzhchina, sem'ya v Rossii: poslednyaya tret' ХХ veka. Proyekt «Taganrog» [Woman, Man, Family in Russia: the Last Third of the 20th Century. Project ‘Taganrog’]. Ed. N.M. Rimashevskaya. Moscow. ISEPN [Institute of Socio-Economic Studies of Population RAS]. 2001. 320 p.
  2. Rossiya — 1995. Sotsial'no-demograficheskaya situatsiya[Russia 1995. Socio-Demographic Situation]. Moscow. ISEPN RAN [Institute of Socio-Economic Studies of Population RAS]. 1996. P. 109-122.
  3. Shevyakov A.Yu. Mify i realii sotsial'noy politiki [Myths and Reality of Social Policy]. Moscow. ISEPN RAN [Institute of Socio-Economic Studies of Population RAS]. 2011.
  4. Korchagina I.I., Migranova L.A. Uroven' zhizni naseleniya malykh gorodov Rossii [Living standards in small Russian towns]. Narodonaseleniye [Population]. 2012. No 2. P. 66-74
  5. Partisipatronyy podkhod v povyshenii kachestva zhizni naseleniya[Participatory Approach in Improving the Quality of Life]. Eds. N.M. Rimashevskaya, N.N. Ivashinenko. Nizhny Novgorod. Izdatel'stvo NNGU [Publishing House of the Nizhny Novgorod State University]. 2013. 268 p.



Strategies for overcoming poverty in families with children

Key words: difficult life situation, strategies for overcoming poverty, quality of life, living standards, families with children.

Abstract. Families with minor children present a significant and at the same time vulnerable group of population due to high dependency ratio. In case of difficult situation they make efforts to get out of it and to raise the level and quality of life. Among the most common proactive strategies for overcoming poverty are: search of additional income sources and territorial mobility. The strategies of a reactive character are: partial engagement in subsistence farming, conversion of family material resources, as well as financial support from external sources (mainly from relatives and friends, and rarely from governmental and civic organizations).




  1. Bednost' i bednyye v sovremennoy Rossii[Poverty and the Poor in Modern Russia]. Eds. М.К. Gorshkov, N.Е. Tikhonova. Мoscow. Ves' mir [The Whole World]. 2014. 304 p.
  2. Rimashevskaya N.M., Breeva E.B. «Pole» detstva [The ‘field’ of childhood]. Narodonaseleniye [Population]. 2011. No 4. P. 17-27.
  3. Teodorovich М.L. Bednost' kaksotsial'nayaproblema: strategicheskiy podkhod [Poverty as a Social Problem: Strategic Approach].Nizhny Novgorod. NNGU [Nizhny Novgorod State University]. 2009. 452 р.
  4. Belyaeva L.А. Strategii vyzhivaniya, adaptatsii, preuspevaniya [Strategies of surviving, adaptation and well-being].Sotsiologicheskiye issledovaniya [Sociological Studies]. 2001. № 6. P. 44-53.
  5. Rimashevskaya N.М. Chelovek i reformy: sekrety vyzhivaniya [Person and Reforms: The Secrets of Survival]. Moscow. ISEPN RAN [Institute of Socio-Economic Studies of Population RAS]. 2003. 392 p.
  6. Gradoselskaya G.V. Sotsial'nyye seti: obmen chastnymi transfertami [Social networks: personal transfers exchange]. Sotsiologicheskiy zhurnal [Sociological Journal]. 1999. № 1/2. P. 156–163.
  7. Partisipatronyy podkhod v povyshenii kachestva zhizni naseleniya [Participatory Approach in Improving the Quality of Life]. Eds. N.M. Rimashevskaya, N.N. Ivashinenko. Nizhny Novgorod. NNGU [Nizhny Novgorod State University]. 2013. 268 p.
  8. Kulmala M., Varyzgina A.A. Otnosheniye semey-kliyentov sotsial'noy zashchity k gosudarstvennoy finansovoy podderzhke [Clients of social protection services: perception of state financial support]. Spetsifika professional'noy deyatel'nosti sotsial'nykh rabotnikov. K 100-letiyu Nizhegorodskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta im. N.I. Lobachevskogo [Specifics of Social Work as a Professional Activity. Dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Lobachevsky Nizhny Novgorod State University]. Nizhny Novgorod. NNGU [Nizhny Novgorod State University] 2015. P. 283-287.



School and vocational education in a typical Russian city in a typical Russian city

Key words: school education, primary and secondary vocational education, availability, quality.

Abstract. The article presents the data characterizing the situation in school education and vocational training in a typical Russian city. It exposes growth in the share of payable services at school: payment for additional education services is more and more often added to traditional expenses on school needs in the same school. Since almost half households with school children identify themselves as having income below the average, this trend reinforces the inequality in the sphere of education. It shows that students of technical schools and colleges assess the quality of education as acceptable in general, but the school enrolment is estimated by them as not high, that is indicative of a small demand for this level of education on the part of motivated and capable young people. The latter is due to the difficult situation in the real economy branches that does not allow industrial enterprises to offer a competitive work remuneration to vocational school graduates.




  1. Alexandrova O.A., Nenakhova Yu.S. Chelovecheskii potencial Rossii i reforma sotsial’noi sferi [Human potential of Russia and the reform of the social sphere]. Narodonaselenie [Population]. 2012. № 4 (58). С. 51-60.
  2. Alexandrova O.A., Nenakhova Yu.S. Povishenie oplati truda uchitelei: kak dostigautsia tsely [Raising teachers' wages: how the goals are achieved]. Narodonaselenie [Population]. 2013. № 4 (62). С. 63-72.
  3. Alexandrova O.A., Nenakhova Yu.S. Peremeni v doshkol’nom obrazovanii: tuda li idet Rossia? [Changes in the preschool education: is Russia headed in the right direction?]. Narodonaselenie [Population]. 2015. № 1 (67). С. 95-107.



Health of population and its determining factors

Key words: self-assessment of health, health factors: age, sex, employment, economic situation, nutrition, housing conditions, chronic diseases, disability, out-patient and in-patient medical care, availability of medicines.

Abstract. The article analyses the state of health of the Taganrog city residents on the data from a survey conducted in 2014. The study was based on respondents’ self-assessment of their health (parents answered for their children), their assessment of the availability of medical care and medicines, as well as the work of health care institutions. The article provides data on gender and age differences in health self-assessment, examines dependence of health assessment on such key factors as education, occupation, income level, work pattern, quality of nutrition and housing. A special consideration is given to incidence of disability and chronic diseases.


Bibliography andInternetsources


  1. Novi I.N., Solomatina M.V. Monitoring demograficheskoy situatsii na munitsipal'nom urovne kak element upravleniya sotsial'no-ekonomicheskim razvitiyem territorii (na primere g. Taganroga) [Monitoring demographic situation at the municipal level as an element of managing socio-economic development of a territory (the case of Taganrog city)]. Vestnik Taganrogskogo Instituta upravleniya i ekonomiki [Bulletin of the Taganrog Institute of Management and Economics]. 2014. No 1.
  2. Zhenshchina, muzhchina, sem'ya v Rossii: poslednyaya tret'ХХ veka. Proyekt «Taganrog» [Woman, Man, Family in Russia: the Last Third of the 20th Century. Project ‘Taganrog’]. Ed. N.M. Rimashevskaya. Moscow. ISEPN [Institute of Socio-Economic Studies of Population RAS]. 2001. P. 232-236.
  3. Prodolzhitel'nost' zhizni rossiyskikh muzhchin — samaya nizkaya v Yevrope [Life expectancy of Russian men is the lowest in Europe]. Available at:
  4. Srednyaya prodolzhitel'nost' zhizni v Rossii prevysila 71 god, v osnovnom za schet zhenshchin [Average life expectancy in Russia has surpassed 71 years mainly owing to women]. Available at:
  5. Rossiya vpervyye voshla v reyting effektivnosti sistem zdravookhraneniya Bloomberg, zanyav posledneye mesto [Russia is for the first time entered into the Bloomberg rating of health systems efficiency taking the last place]. Available at:
  6. VOZ Vsemirnyy doklad ob invalidnosti [World Report on Disability] 2011. Available at:
  7. Dannyye Ofitsial'nogo portala administratsii g. Taganroga [Taganrog Administration official portal]. Available at:
  8. Ofitsial'nyy portal administratsii g. Taganroga [Taganrog Administration official portal]. Available at: voprosy-raboty-sistiemy-zdravookhranieniia- taghanrogha


Authors of the issue


ALEXANDROVA Olga Arkadievna, Doctor of Economics, Deputy Director for research, Institute of Socio-Economic Studies of Population RAS; leading researcher, Nizhny Novgorod State University — Institute of Socio-Economic Studies of Population RAS joint laboratory


ALIKPEROVA Natalia Valerievna, Candidate of Economics, senior researcher, Institute of Socio-Economic Studies of Population RAS


BAZILEVA Irina Igorevna, expert, Higher School of Marketing and Business Development, Higher School of Economics; PhD applicant, Institute of Socio-Economic Studies of Population RAS


BUDILOVA Elena Veniaminovna, Candidate of Technical Sciences, senior researcher, Lomonosov Moscow State University


BURDYAK Aleksandra Yaroslavovna, senior researcher, Institute for Social Analysis and Prediction, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration


VARYZGINA Alla Alexandrovna, sociologist, Nizhny Novgorod State University; researcher, Nizhny Novgorod State University — Institute of Socio-Economic Studies of Population RAS joint laboratory


VOLOSHINA Tatiana Nikolayevna, Head of Postgraduate Department


GERTSBERG Lora Yakovlevna, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Architecture and Construction Sciences, Central Research and Project Institute at the RF Ministry of Construction, Housing and Utilities


GUZANOVA Alla Konstantinovna, senior researcher, Institute of Socio-Economic Studies of Population RAS


DOBROKHLEB Valentina Grigorievna, Doctor of Economics, Professor, chief researcher, Institute of Socio-Economic Studies of Population RAS; professor, Russian State University for the Humanities


IVASHINENKO  Nina Nikolayevna,  Doctor of Economics, Head of Chair, Nizhny Novgorod State University; Head of Laboratory, Nizhny Novgorod State University — Institute of Socio-Economic Studies of Population RAS joint laboratory


MALYSHEVA Marina Mikhailovna, Doctor of Economics, leading researcher, Institute of Socio-Economic Studies of Population RAS


MIGRANOVA Lyudmila Alexeyevna, Candidate of Economics, chief researcher, Institute of Socio-Economic Studies of Population RAS; leading researcher, Nizhny Novgorod State University — Institute of Socio-Economic Studies of Population RAS joint laboratory


MOROZOVA Tatiana Vasilievna, Doctor of Economics, Head of Department, Institute of Economics, Karelian Research Center RAS


NENAKHOVA Yulia Sergeyevna, researcher, Institute of Socio-Economic Studies of Population RAS; researcher, Nizhny Novgorod State University — Institute of Socio-Economic Studies of Population RAS joint laboratory


PISKLAKOVA-PARKER Marina Petrovna, Candidate of Sociology, researcher, Institute of Socio-Economic Studies of Population RAS


RIMASHEVSKAYA Natalia Mikhailovna, Doctor of Economics, RAS Corresponding Member, RAS Adviser, Institute of Socio-Economic Studies of Population RAS; researcher, Nizhny Novgorod State University — Institute of Socio-Economic Studies of Population RAS joint laboratory


SOLOVYEV Arkady Konstantinovich, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Finance University under the RF Government, Honoured Economist of Russia


TYNDIK Alla Olegоvna, Candidate of Economics, Head of laboratory, Institute for Social Analysis and Prediction, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration



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